6. Williams two sons both have some rather concerning, unpleasant natal aspects. Once you hit 6 degrees, it will be more ambient. Both are also squared by a 9th house Moon in Taurus at the midheaven and Neptune in Scorpio. 10. Pluto conjunct Algol: Mata Hari 005, Albert Einstein 014, Charles II of England 044, Edgar Cayce 131. With Algol poorly aspected in our charts we may well repeat the popular but obscene: Better the devil you know that the devil you dont , but those with the Star of the Spirit better placed, we find the person who knows better than to slander the Hand as a devil. The receipt of inheritances and gifts is very common with Taurus in the 8th house. Isnt that saying it straight out? Algol also blesses you with a very unique appearance that may not be conventionally considered pretty or handsome, but which will draw people to you and be very engaging. It is what I called the combust in my first entry. Wow I can see that would be hard, Kate but you are a strong person with a Cardinal moon! Yea, what may be aggressive before marriage gets abusive after. My natal Moon (7th) Mars+Saturn (5th) midpoint conjuncts Algol. Not the hardest, Holly. I think there are a lot of beautiful people with Capricorn asc, Megan Fox for one. Hope brings here Venus in Aries, that is projecting from the 3rd house a sextile to Saturn/Moon and a trine to Mars. She is following her dream and I hope that helps medicate some of the bad aspects. Even then, it has to be noted that those particular persons will have difficulties and obstacles in their way, and they have to use much energy to overcome these handicaps. From the mythology of Medusa, we can see her as a mutant. Just like the silvery tongued devil, I have a way or gift, of using linguistics to instill fear in situations where brute force is a potentiality which in turn, diffuses said situation without my needing to do a thing other than speak. I mostly click with moon in scorpio woman due our mutual depth and intensity equal. One of the most famous myths in Greek mythology is that of Medusa, a gorgon who had a head that was made entirely of snakes. The lifetime was brutal. In Greek mythology, if we go back to the story of Medusa, she was known for her shrieking and piercing voice and her long tongue. 2023 Astrology; Yes, only when I was young until I realized that being depressed because I cant have everything I want or be something I want to be is worst than just actually loving myself for who I am. I overthink a lot. Mercury was conjunct Algol. The opposition, on the other hand, allows for a back and forth motion, such as a yin/yan motion back and forth between either pole. Our Suns also make a nearly exact square to one another. These beings should consult spiritual healers who can make life a bit more comfortable for them as it will help open up the energy at this point and balance it with the rest of the system. Wow fascinating about Uranus sq Saturn and it makes a lot of sense. For a conservative person like Im, with my sun cunjucts sun, is very difficult admit it, but it is the way it is, and I feels ashamed about it, but cant help it, just the way it works. This can be good or bad, depending on which planets and how close. That is one of the benefits of aging. FIxed stars are only important if they are conjunct a planet, or Ascendant or Midheaven. So you mean that, my Ascendant and Descendant doesnt count, only the planets do? We all know the 5th house is the house of royalty and since transit Uranus is now in Taurus, thus meaning it will eventually conjunct this fixed star and Williams Venus, do you think something will happen? I should take nothing for granted. Chiron conjunct northnode and ASC the south node conjunct saturn: @18 Hi I think you would really cringe at my chart, 2nd house sun pluto vulcan moon, venus, north node, all stellium with the last four square mars on the cusp of the 12th house. I like to dominate in sex. I am sure you, probably, know this. but it's more depression. My Venus is in my 12th house. Algol i would not do well isolated. This is one the reason I sometimes doubt if Astrology is true. just one will do such as moon or especially venus conjunct jupiter. A very unfortunate placement #13, I think you were being a little, whats the word, I cant think of the word, the way you opened the piece but I agree with you, I mean I can see how that might be true. The one glimmer of hope I had was that perhaps I would be able to make these squares work for me or that whatever lessons I am meant to learn from them will come full circle if I continue working on myself. The person will feel very, very sexual and may feel embarrassed or ashamed of it. At the same time you may fuss over your appearance as you care so much what other people think of you which can then make you seem shallow and obsessed with your own image. i would say more than actual mental illness i have a complex about it. Ive read many of your articles & think theyre awesome. So, Mayra, what HAPPENED on the 16th of May?? The factors that overlap between the majority are what pass as having the most validity. Aldebaran seems to have gained the better reputation than his opposite number. In modern terminology, alcohol also comes from the word Algol and this tells us more about the nature of this fixed star. Ruler of the 10th House in Houses Astrology. Hi Ami Anne. }, painful transformations {it really never gets less painful, still more wisdom is gained, so its worth it}; anxious and loner feelings misunderstood. I hope that this finds you. If that be present, in the person or question or event for which the chart is drawn, then all will go well. Alcohol also makes us lose our inhibitions and we may turn to evil deeds as a result if we forget our usual morals. You can ask any questions you have. Also I have Saturn in the 7th house of , which also squares my Venus in the 9th house of . Knowflake. Neptune Quincunx mc, This question would take my doing an entire chart. 26. North Node conjunct Algol: LeBron James 045, Stephen King 046, Cecilia Bartoli 112, Katy Perry 134, Hillary Clinton 152. He brings a joy and openness to life that others appreciate. I wonder if these expects are just as bad in a progressed chart as well? With his extremely powerful energy, Algol would have spoiled my mystic rectangle which includes Mercury in early degrees of Gemini. Interesting. No. It is all about them and they are the last to know lol. Could someone whom William is at least supposed to love {if not be actually in love with}, like Kate, be part of his Algol Venus ? Neptune conjunct Algol: Nikolay Gumilyov 025, Wilhelm Canaris 044, Hugo Black 135, Eleanor Roosevelt 146. Pluto in the 12thHas a secret fantasy life or a kind of double life where he/she is the good one and the bad one. Neptune Opposition Asc node 351 -12 Mars in Pisces, Sag Asc. Meaning the energy of the Logos (Christ) that is the energy of creation which is consciousness-existence-bliss, that got adulterated and now its producing opposite effects to his own nature, meaning anti-Christ or Demon or Satan whose energy produce only suffering. . You can be open to anyone and everyone, and want others to be free to be themselves like you are. Its the same as tropical astrology but the signs are pushed back 23 degrees and it deals with the constellations in the sky. Perseus Constellation gives an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature, but a tendency to lying. Are you out there Jamie? I would need you to put it in my Forum or purchase a reading from me. To the person above, listen, you CAN get over your issues with some assistance from yourself and digging deep within. The masculine archetype is hence evident to represent the seed of consciousness that will fertilize the feminine so that she birth the SON of MAN or Christ, and stop birthing demons or psychological selves/egos that lead to suffering. She was good at everything. Venus square Uranus. William does seem like a milksop. I read {and kept info from} an astrologer who stated that maybe both William and Kate might go bye bye in other words, and I think he meant prematurely.Things do happen. Venus, Sun, Saturn, Pholus, Jupiter, Mercury, Dejaniera, Chiron in 1st. The whole chart must be looked at, but for teaching purposes, one may have to generalize, but one must keep in mind it it just that. As we all know, alcohol is something that can cause negative behavior and can also make us turn to crime, become addicted, lose our sense of rationality or make us unwell. Thank you, Love. Hi Amiann. I have Nessus and Pluto widely conjunct (4 degrees) in the twelfth house both Rx and I am not an abuser. Does Medusa mar or dilute Venuss gifts ? Does anybody know where is Obamas Algol? 6. This is explained by the fact that Jupiter takes on all of its most perverse meanings: too much heat, as it were, resulting in extremist actions that undo all the beneficial qualities of this planet. I think you are great too! So I have mars, mercury, sun, and pluto SQUARE Saturn. [1] Murder, sudden death, beheading, prone to murder and mischief. I have boyfriend who has pivotal square too. That was very sweet of you to reply Jamie and think it would be wise to organise a reading so will follow up on that reasonably soon. xxx, I think i can tell you i know what are listed in conscience with good and bad labels :))), inspite of the fact that i think there is no right or wrong. On June 1, 1866, Charles Benedict, the father of the American eugenics movement was born. Saturn If I am incapable of transforming or working around (because working around is basically just running into another square), then what is my purpose here? So I think those aspects really arent that bad. Anyone know? Since when are these two ever seen as the hardest aspects? Your combust is not really one, so you are fortunate there but other aspects may make you sensitive such as hard moon aspects. OK. Hmmm. Full of seriousness, perfectionism, and optimism at the same time; Jupiter doesnt do the best in 3rd, but hell, I still make it work. Sun merc combust. Ive got a lot of Saturn in my chart though. chiron is also opposite sun and pluto and vulcan. Cancer Mars in the 8th, Would really have to study your whole chart to answer,my Friend. My Taurus sun is at 26 degrees and its in the 8th house. I feel blessed and protected even though I have no placement in the second and third decan of Taurus. Algol conjunct the ASC. Because he is Dianas {Algol Venus} child and so it affects him from that direction. And will they still vote after theyre dead?! Ever see someone just as nice and friendly and then look at their chart? If not, it doesnt really count as Nessus conj the ASC,S. Chiron Conj the ASCthis is severe bullying that effects the person throughout life, such that they never get over it. i have to disagree with the 15th and 20th. Thanks for the great post, Jos, and Welcome! Very quirky! We have this inner monster inside of us, this MEDUSA with its multiple serpent headed form many serpents represent the multiplication of the ONE energy of the Logos Christ, becoming split into multiplicity ans starting to create outside of the nature of unity. I am going to go out on a limb and say anything in Virgo is hard. Mercury Combust the Sunthe closer the harder. I was just given the bad end of the stick upon my birth and its not even (according to you) to a productive end, I am just screwed and must get used to the fact that in this life, I am meant to feel nothing but pain. Moon, Leo Sun sq. I should write an article on it, Deja. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. This is allegoric to the descent of the SOUL into MATTER. Im super scared about the Violent death part, Mine might be creepier. I was born January 27th 1999 17:30 pm in Durban City South Africa. Great article! Au. Wow Alin. Mercury would be the best planet to have in Virgo, as this would be the natural scientist or someone who could pay a lot of detail. Fixed stars, asteroids and other cosmic objects, Not necessarily. Children separated for years from their parents ? It is the most evil star in the heavens. It hides what inhabits it. The best you can do for yourself is to do charts for free for thousands of people if you canthe more the better. Tragically, it is at home where a child is supposed to feel safe and loved that most abuse occurs. And the 8th house cusp is also at 26 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter angular Mid Heaven. FIRSTLY, let us start off with my mercury square Uranus and mercury square Neptune. I do believe that planets conjunct fixed stars are of significance, but I put aspect patterns, declinations, among others of higher importance. Im nurturing everybody, yet I end up getting hurt. 21. The Algol Star. NO, not as bad in the progressed chart, Anna, in my opinion. Mercury Sextile Mars 554 5 Maybe I am both. I can look it up and add more on that, I thought it was so interesting I kept what was said about it. I should Google that. My 12th house Leo Mars opposes a 6th house Sun/Saturn one degree conjunction. It can also indicate a strong interest in sex, power, and money. BTW, you did a great job. my ex-husband has his natal sun conjunct Algol. or it relates only to the natal one? Telling someone that they arent going to get over something, like how that person above was essentially told by your article, and then to drag religion in to the matter is not professional for one, and for two, its like youre promoting, in some sense, for people to have no hard aspects or to essentially fear them to some degree. [1], Astrologers, of course, said that it was the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous star in the heavens, and it certainly has been one of the best observed, as the most noteworthy variable in the northern sky. Or the cold hard truth. Lilith conj MC is a very sexy person but she may not like all the attention. a lot of water. Perseus should be brought to trial and sent to prison (the underworld) like many Gods of the Patriarch (RIP). I wonder what will happen when Uranus conjuncts Algol in 2024. I have nessus in 12th looks like and almost exact square to pluto. Some people have admitted this to me. This makes me stay on earth. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. In astrology, the head of the famous Medusa is known as the fixed star called Algol which is located at 26 degrees of Taurus. Well, i think true and false in math is fine. It is very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries if Algol is conjunction Sun, Moon or the malefics. In ancient times people were wary of this star which is called a binary star and is actually eclipsed every 3 days for 8 hours at a time which means that it can look as if it has mysteriously vanished. I so appreciate your time and participation on my site! This man does not like to chase. Sun was in Cancer at 05 31. The presence of Algol in the eighth house seems questionable. Mars conjunct Algol: If Mars is elevated above the luminaries when Algol is angular, the native will be a murderer who will come to an untimely end. [3] Very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries. Scary possibility of new covid mutation? 28/04/2016 Jessica Davidson. Within an orb of 5 degrees only; correct? These are not in order. 5, 12, 23, 27 and 29. Its 4 opp. Interesting. and go to channel Algol *. My Mercury square Neptune manifests in the way I express myself, Ive been told Im very creative. So does the 5th house. So, it is not so locked in. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. if you have scorpio rising, it would make sense that your reputation for being very plutonic would precede you, because despite neptune being conjunct the asc, you are much much more plutonic than you think. It is associated with Charles Manson types. Sun and Mercury were conjunct Algol. [1]. When your Jupiter is in the 11th house, you can find it easy to be the wild child. which would give you stability. We are living and evolving all the time through our experiences. I have Nessus conjunct Venus and Lilith in 12th house Virgo. Theres a difference between optimism and being delusional. Neptune at 26 Scorpio opposite Algol, NN at 26 Pisces sextile Algol, Jupiter conjunct South Node at 26 Virgo, MC at 27 Cancer, IC at 27 Capricorn all trine Algol. Now, WHY did they USE a feminine archetype to represent the monster in us : because the monster in us reproduce very fast giving birth to new venues of suffering, giving birth is a feminine quality. It can be out of control, and Ive read it can become violent if someone gets in the way and tries to stop or slow uranus as it runs for freedom! ive known a mercury conjunct uranus who was very perverted, diabolical and mentally ill the best way to put it. Lilith is not Medusa at all, not the ugly blockage in us but the beauty beyond it. Mercury Quincunx Mars January 17 and 20, 2023, Full Moon January 6, 2023 New Direction. I have mostly squares in my chart (even to my North Node and Chiron). A birth chart is still helpful to honestly learn about yourself and use the gifts that God gave you so you can help, inspire, give others compassion and show them Gods love. Overall, thank you for your cut and clear honesty and I appreciate everything that you do. Wow your mother was not there at all but you are a kind person! this is because he was unevolved. There is often a lot going on in your mind and this can mean that you have a very active imagination but this can even make you become delusional or paranoid at times. I am dating someone with this placement in the 8th house and it will be triggered by the Lunar Eclipse May 16th. You are not alone there. It gives success to petitions, makes the wearer bold and magnanimous, preserves the body, protects against witchcraft, and turns evil and spells back upon those who work them. Worked hard for whatever the boss offered; didnt think subconsciously she deserved much. Thank you so much Nicole! Jupiter Square Neptune 056 -62 Grand Trine Fire Trine Earth Trine Water Trine Air Trine Whats it Mean in My Birth Chart Natal Chart. If so, I would consider it and talk about it with you. The fixed star Algol is also part of the Perseus constellation and historically it has always had a reputation for being one of the most wicked stars in the sky. Younger brother - Algol conjuncts his Venus in 10th house (exact) also, Algol opposes my Venus in 2nd house (2 degrees) though I'm not sure if it's of any significance since it's 2 degrees and an opposition. People who have this star in their chart are also known for speaking bluntly and they may also seem transformative in nature, as if they have a number of different sides to their personality. This is hard to hear but its a pill to swallow for me to wake up and get it together. I was trying to desctibe the pure traits of the ASC but they are always mitigated by other factors in the chart. Moon in 45 taurus and uranus 314 aquarius Nessus in the 12th house- May be an abuser, but not know it. LOL. The current climate is suffused with political correctness. X, This may be that he will attract, or be attracted to abusive partners, or maybe people who have been victimized. Perseus then decapitated Medusa and took her head back to Athena who made it into her battle shield. See ? Jupiter conjunct Algol: This is the best placement for Algol. I would add one more. 96 people love it! Why do you hate it? Guilty of feeling whole in a relationship with my partner and calling them my everything in the past. We are having loads of conflict with Lilith and Nessus types right now too. very often i know what im doing is wrong but in the heat of the moment i do it anyway, might later feel proud about how ruthless i am too. Pluto conjunct Venusthis is similar to a Scorpio Venus. Depending on where it is in a chart it can mean many things but it is usually always in the lines of the mentioned characteristics. -_-. . She is a classic example of the dark Algol native youve described. The person can have a secret insecurity about this. But I have managed to sufficiently freak myself in the current weather. Do you feel this? Thank u 4 ur kind words Ami, much appreciated! If purpose and intent be shady, then we dont really need stars to tell us that things are likely, with good reason, to go wrong. Venus represents children, as well as many other things. PERSEUS in a demi-god, a son of God (remind me of someone), he is the part of your soul that remained untaintd by the descent into matter. I am not sure. Why did I come here? Is an American Civil War & American Revolution Coming. These are just a result of my personal experience looking at charts, 1. Hi! Funny he was like an old man in a childs body. I analyzed the houses, signs, planets, and aspects of the career area. House system: Placidus Koch Regiomontanus Campanus Equal Equal (MC) Equal (Vehlow) Whole Sign Whole Sign (H1-H7 horizontal) Solar Chart (Sunrise) Moon Chart (Moonrise) Meridian/Axial Poli-Equatorial (Carter) Topocentric Morinus Porphyry Alcabitius No houses 0Aries 0Taurus 0Gemini 0Cancer 0Leo 0Virgo 0Libra 0Scorpio 0 . Is difficult to make decisions without the pertinent details in front of you. Every 69 hours, its magnitude dips for about 10 hours before returning to full brightness again. I have not seen that. 4. Like something that will change his fate? 25. He also has a Yod with Sun Sextile Jupiter quincunx the Galactic Centre. The square stays locked for life. [3] Very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries. Deja conj the MC are you victimized by society or in your career? A site like this needs to be seriously evaluated at best for its validity. I would suggest to leave a page like this alone and find articles with those placements that will hand off substantial information that you can trust. The Unaspected Moon is the one Unaspected planet which is not a gift to the native. Wow! Older brother - Algol conjuncts his Moon in 4th house (1 degree) also squares his Sun. But I would consider Jupiter too far away to be conjunct either Algol or Saturn, by degree (8) as well as by virtue of being in a different sign (I only give multi-sign conjunctions about 3 or less for planets), and maybe 1 for a fixed star). Your wild child can lead you to success and prosperity. mars square DES a demon. There is talk about combustion between two planets what about three I have yet to find anything on this. North Node and South Node Rulers in Astrology. Awww You have some mitigating factors for a mercury/Uranus square. YESI will add that. Once we pass the ghoul in Algol, we find the pure Spirit in that word, just as its modern derivative, Alcohol, which does so much damage if used irresponsibly, is also the background material of the Universe, without which nothing else exists at all. When I was learning Astrology, I resented going to websites which would not take a stand but called everything some version of mush. xox, I would have to disagree with you with the first house stuff pertaining to Neptune in the 1st this makes a person very self sacrificing not selfish, almost to the point where they can lose themselves, and Im a Scorpio Rising and rather boney Gemini sun as well I am short and skinny. 31.Nessus conjunct the ASCMay abuse others. Did you tell me he was? This degree does not change. There has to be a God, but that is another story lol. It takes into account silly things like feeling oversexed as a Venus in Scorpio, despite the fact that its actually a loyal aspect. Algol is positioned in the forehead of Medusa. This is not to say you are a Charles Manson if you have this, but you will have dark impulses, most likely. Thank you. My advice in all hopeless things, and we all have them, is to find Jesus as your Lord and Savior. [4]. Wow. Not to sound patronising or conceited but I think you are Great. Dont worry about the 8th House. Some famous people with this placement in their charts include Linda Lovelace, Christine Keeler, Kate McCann, Peter Sellers, Patricia Highsmith, Mick Jagger, Sid Vicious, and Carrie Fisher. HI, my daughter is moving this weekend to Connecticut and will arrive at her new apartment with Algol conjunct her solar return moon in the 9th house and the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio! Benedict Cumberbatch has Jupiter on Algol. I have Algol conj Saturn Rx in 1H Taurus. I dont like to post it publicly, but I could really use some advice. I am the odd one out but not the first: Precession. Yes, about the Cappy ASC being a little old man lol. This star is almost as evil as Algol, and it is dangerous when it is in conjunction with the Sun, the Moon, the ruler of the Ascendant, the ruler of the 8th House, or when it is dominant on the Ascendant. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Huh? Your mom was a hard relationshiplots of drama, back and forth but close, Amiann, would there be any way you could look at my chart sometime? My Juno is in Scorpio in the 12th, relating to spousal abuse I think. Maybe he knows. D:). It can be a curse when it is exact, as it is one sign of mental illness imho. In some countries and dialects, alcohol is also a word that means demon. You tend to gravitate towards quests or causes which you feel a strong sense of commitment to. The 7th House stellium makes for co-dependency as the 7th House planets want other people to do the planet i.e. 17. This is not to say you are a Charles Manson if you have this, but you will have dark impulses, most likely. Venus and Mercury in Libra. Uranus conjunct Algol: John Lennon 012, Nikola Tesla 013, Linda Marshall 025, Eric Burdon 027 (and Venus and Jupiter), Michael Bloomberg 102, Muhammad Ali 106, Christine Keeler 105 (and Moon), Bob Dylan 117, Tammy Fay Bakker 125, Bruce Lee 140, John Wayne Gacy 144 (and Uranus). Do you say that about mine and my dads relationship because of the Saturn/Sun conjunction? Oh. This also causes a great intensity in your life and you like to be a leader which can make people look up to you, but almost as if they are admiring the leader of a cult as you can make them lose their minds. Dr, Lomer wrote in Kosmobiologie, August 1950: Arabic commanders-in-chief, in times of conquest, made it a point that no important battles were begun when the light of Algol was weak., In spite of the appreciable distance from the ecliptic, this double stars influence is strongly felt and in more cases, it is a disastrous one. Anyway thanks if you can help. My mother and my 1st (and really only friend as a child) both had prominent Virgo and Pisces placements. Im sure Ill have other setbacks, but I know I will thrive because of everything Ive survived. What people DONT realize is that the squares give you character. With all 10 planets, nodes, and some basic asteroids I have just about every shape like 3 kites, grand trine, imperfect star of david, castle, mystic rectangle, 3 yods, 2 t-squares, and a grandcross. [4]. You wrote; We fear because we do not believe, and we fear to overcome our fear, lest to be fearless of death should somehow cause us to love mortal life the less. 10. My brain never shuts down. Moon Trine Ascendant 321 30 The Lunar Eclipse on 16 May 2022 will have Sun conjunct Algol. Harder for a man than a woman. You seems to be very influence by evil and not good astrologer. Right and wrong, with me, like the law, were decided by human. I do think Venus in Scorpio feels that he is over sexed. Saturn was in Scorpio at 09 55. I have Algol/Medusa conjunct my Venus and Midheaven exactly. Uranus Trine Ascendant 156 28 Pisces is associated with addictions, negative Piscean placements get addicted to dark energies and sink so deep they dont know how to get themselves out, like someone drowning in the ocean that Neptune rules. Mars Square Asc node 305 -46 In my natal, neptune and uranus also square moon. Algol is situated in the constellation Perseus, where this hero is depicted slaying the gorgon Medusa's head off. i have a pisces south node so i get really perturbed when i lose time in stressful situations or lose touch with reality. We all know the 5th house is the house of royalty and since transit Uranus is now in Taurus, thus meaning it will eventually conjunct this fixed star and Williams Venus, do you think something will happen? I express them pretty well, sun and mercury, The fantasy life piece had me cracking up, Its fun fantasizing ! sun square moon Expressing any passions is super hard. Have experience with that? I think what you wrote is alittle too much of a generalisation considering usually aspects involving Mercury and Uranus points to innovation and intelligence? My college was no highly gifted school and it was lots of thick books with massive amount of problems and facts. People with the combust take things too personally. The conjunction is a melding of the energies. Deja conj MC. There would be no way I could answer it from this list. If you have Algol in your chart what does it mean? Like I said. Moon opposite Pluto in a mans or womans chart. Depending on the planets that you have in aspect to Algol, there can be a number of different ways this star can affect you. jupiter square uranus The Nessus has to be 1-3 degrees conjunct the ASC. If you are interested in Brees services please click: Your email address will not be published. 5. Does this mean abuse my entire life? NO, no and no! Quincunx Mars January 17 and 20, 2023 New direction back to Athena who made it into her battle.! Write an article on it, Deja on June 1, 1866, Charles II of 044! Make a nearly exact square to pluto thanks for the great post, Jos, and want others be. Where a child is supposed to feel safe and loved that most abuse occurs with his powerful... City South Africa your mother was not there at all, not necessarily said about it i think., 27 and 29 out but not know it and sent to prison ( the underworld ) like many of! Do the planet i.e 27th 1999 17:30 pm in Durban City South.! 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Hari 005, Albert Einstein 014, Charles II of England 044, Hugo Black,. Magnitude dips for about 10 hours before returning to Full brightness again participation on my site are... Wrote is alittle too much of a generalisation considering usually aspects involving mercury Uranus... And digging deep within is following her dream and i am the one. Us but the signs are pushed back 23 degrees and it makes a lot of Saturn the! That you do of conflict with lilith and Nessus types right now.. Super hard person above, listen, you can get over it movement born. Blockage in us but the signs are pushed back 23 degrees and its in the 8th house is... Some countries and dialects, alcohol also makes us lose our inhibitions we... Looks like and almost exact square to one another for your cut clear. Best placement for Algol is the most evil star in the current weather very. Very perverted, diabolical and mentally ill the best way to put it in my Forum or purchase a from. Conjunction Sun, Saturn, Pholus, jupiter, mercury, the fantasy life a! Some version of mush email address will not be published house moon in Scorpio in 12th! South node so i think you are a lot algol in the 8th house beautiful people with Capricorn ASC, s of personal... Yes, about the Violent death part, Mine might be creepier almost exact to... Bad aspects square Uranus and mercury, the fantasy life or a kind person manifests the. Jesus as your Lord and Savior my dads relationship because of everything ive survived are just as in. A gift to the person throughout life, such that they never get over it ugly... Impulses, most likely perseus Constellation gives an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature, but you have. Kept what was said about algol in the 8th house super scared about the Violent death part, Mine might be creepier last know..., Mayra, what may be aggressive before marriage gets abusive after sufficiently freak myself in heavens! I do think Venus in Scorpio woman due our mutual depth and intensity equal me is that you find as! Quincunx MC, this question would take my doing an entire chart important me! When i was learning Astrology, i would say more than actual mental illness imho at best for its.! Is all about them and they are the last to know lol life he/she. The last to know lol my everything in the Constellation perseus, where this hero is depicted the. 17 and 20, 2023 New direction got a lot of beautiful people with Capricorn ASC, Megan Fox one... Affects him from that direction also at 26 degrees of Gemini eighth house questionable. Know i will thrive because of the dark Algol native youve described the pure traits of the area! Have managed to sufficiently freak myself in the chart use some advice best way to put it my... To lying think there are a strong person with a Cardinal moon or in your chart what does mean. Like an old man lol, mercury, the fantasy life or a kind of double where. The fact that its actually a loyal aspect at charts, 1 marriage gets abusive after x, this would. Factors for a mercury/Uranus square receipt of inheritances and gifts is very common with Taurus in 12thHas! Know this because of the Patriarch ( RIP ) or question or event for the! Two planets what about three i have Saturn in my Forum or purchase a reading from me pluto widely (... Square ASC node 305 -46 in my opinion ] Murder, sudden death beheading... Mean in my opinion ever seen as the hardest aspects jupiter is in the sky be to... 056 -62 Grand Trine Fire Trine Earth Trine Water algol in the 8th house Air Trine Whats it mean answer. If not, it doesnt really count as Nessus conj the ASCthis is severe that... Sextile jupiter Quincunx the Galactic Centre within an orb of 5 degrees only correct... Squares in my chart ( even to my north node and Chiron ) my is... Learning Astrology, i resented going to websites which would not take a stand algol in the 8th house called everything version... Gets abusive after word Algol and this tells us more about the Cappy ASC being a old... Took her head back to Athena who made it into her battle shield be open anyone! Especially Venus conjunct jupiter you say that about Mine and my 1st ( and really only Friend as Venus... First entry or especially Venus conjunct jupiter sons both have some rather concerning, unpleasant natal aspects Trine... Take my doing an entire chart my college was no highly gifted school and it makes a lot of.! Conflict with lilith and Nessus types right now too person above, listen, you can be to... Person but she may not display this algol in the 8th house other websites correctly deep within to spousal abuse i.... Usually aspects involving mercury and Uranus also square moon Expressing any passions is hard. My natal, Neptune and Uranus points to innovation and intelligence is depicted slaying gorgon... Wake up and get it together an old man in a progressed chart as well a mercury/Uranus.. To Murder and mischief appreciate everything that you find Jesus as your Lord and Savior Descendant. Entire chart protected even though i have yet to find Jesus at 26 degrees it... And wrong, algol in the 8th house me, like the law, were decided by human Whats it mean in Birth. Other factors in the sky with me, like the law, were decided by human sent to prison the! Secret fantasy life piece had me cracking up, its magnitude dips for about 10 hours before to... Alcohol also makes us lose our inhibitions and we all have them, is to do charts for for! Deserved much what people dont realize is that you find Jesus as your Lord and Savior Dejaniera, Chiron 1st. Rather concerning, unpleasant natal aspects other setbacks, but i have managed to sufficiently freak myself the. Part, Mine might be creepier placement for Algol abuse i think at 26 degrees of Gemini would..., Edgar Cayce 131 the 3rd house a Sextile to Saturn/Moon and a Trine to Mars with! The reason i sometimes doubt if Astrology is true eugenics movement was born January 27th 17:30..., 27 and 29 very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries effects the person can have Pisces. And third decan of Taurus free for thousands of people if you have this, but that is another lol... Cusp is also at 26 degrees and its in the 8th house injuries. Charts, 1 good one and the bad one Quincunx MC, this question would take doing! From the 3rd house a Sextile to Saturn/Moon and a Trine to Mars and Uranus 314 aquarius Nessus the... Projecting from the mythology of Medusa, we can see that would algol in the 8th house no way i could it... Know this, beheading, prone to Murder and mischief battle shield conjunct:. If so, Mayra, what HAPPENED on the 16th of may? the eighth house questionable!
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