Gramophones used to have large trumpet-shaped horns which provided the sound. Theyre clich. which is what i use when someone is sad and i tried my best to make them smile. She taught us this, and we took it to heart. Still, if you want to sound like an authentic Southerner we are fixin to explain some phrases that you might not find in Google translate. Example: Jerk a knot in your tail if you don't want to be reprimanded in the middle of the supermarket! Wild oats were a type of weed, so the phrase began as a way to mock somebody for wasting time. Anyone who knows horses knows that they have to be cooled down and groomed after a ridebefore they're stabled for the night. One things for sure, Gone with the Wind this aint! Hotter than a pair . Question: Have you heard anyone say Oh, my hind foot!? Its drier than a popcorn fart round these parts. } Busier than a cowl with half a tail in the seasons of flies. 8. Dirt your body. (15% off). According to Useless Etymology, the word "cattywampus" has changed meanings over time. It's been said every day, all day, for as long as we can remember. A bad idea/plan. Answer: I think that "law" is actually a form of "Lord", possibly calling on the lord tor help or understanding. Don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining. Drunker than a monkey. Now, if you want to graduate to PhD level the Southern way, you start making your own. This phrase is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. See more ideas about southern sayings, southernism, southern life. or, "He doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain, bless his heart.". Within these general guidelines, its possible to create your own Southernisms, expressions that one day might find their way into the common parlance. Hot enough to fry eggs on the sidewalk. Enough money to burn a wet mule Why a person might choose to burn a soak-ing wet thousand-pound mule is anybodys guess, but the expression was made famous (in some circles) when legendary Louisiana governor Huey Long used it in reference to deep-pocketed nemesis Standard Oil. Bonus: Bless Your Heart Hotter than hell and half of Georgia. The other nods, sips her julep, and says, "how nice". Original Price 4.08 It's been hotter'n a goat's butt in a pepper patch. 50. 2023 Shareably Media, LLC. It rained like a cow pissin' on a flat rock. The Sign that says "There's not a pot to crooked that a lid won't fix" should say "There's not a pot TOO crooked that a lid won't fix". I lived in Alabama in the early fifties after living my first few years in Brazil, Ginny, I assumed everyone the US spoke like this back then. The beginnings of this Southern saying are lost to timejust suffice it to say that it means that the speaker is ravenously hungry. "Worthless as gum on a boot heel!" 3. (459) $12.49. Thanks for the article. So here are some of the best sayings from the past with secretly naughty meanings. Uphill in winter? It works for a lot of situations. Is it even possible to be Southern and not have a dog probably many dogs? Weve gotten so good at it, that its harder now to know truth from fiction. You don't watch out, I'm gonna cream yo' corn. When a pig dies, presumably in a sty outside, the sun dries out its skin. Thats about as useful as tits on a bull. (A) mind to: To consider doing something. The book has more than 2,000 witticisms and expressions that you will hear in the South, and will make a train take a dirt road anywhere else.I add sayings to the book now and again. Im especially fond of the -er than dammit. Or goat. Today a mild argument might be described as a tiff. If injected with a pregnant person's urine, the rabbit's ovaries would react by expanding in size and turning yellow, as further explained by the Oncofertility Consortium. Have you heard any of these classic phrases? 11. Screaming eagle! 4. Like someone struck you a shovel full of dumb and then tried to get you to learn algorithms. Almost all of these sayings were part of my growing up. The expression describes a similarly oblivious (though quite alive) person who smiles away when in reality things arent going so hot. Yankees are like hemorrhoids: Pain in the butt when they come down and always a relief when they go back up. Like a cat on a hot tin roof Cats are jumpy enough in a comfortable living room. She says people are profiting from "a crime.". 4.14, 4.08 Someone said to be having a "dying duck fit" is pretty upset, to put it mildly. 1. (This is for women who wear large-sized bras.). Happy as a dead pig in the sunshine Deceptively complex, this one contains a built-in lesson in postmortem porcine physiology. Read Also: How do you say pen and pin? Valentine's Day Gift for Him Sublimation Design. Dad-gum you. Did Chevrolet stop makin trucks? "Happy as a tick on a fat dog." However, there was no way to adjust the volume in those days so the only way to lower the sound was to literally . 2. Having this sign might make dating even harder than it already is. He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. "), "Over-the-shoulder boulder holders." If somebodys got the red ass, its best to just give them a wide berth. You're lyin' like a no-legged dog! His knickers are in a knot. SLUTS Southern Ladies Under Tremendous Stress Dirty Humor Dirty Sayings Essential T-Shirt. The one saying which I truly don't understand is "Well, bless your heart". I still live in Georgia.. If someones got the red ass, theyre madder than dammit. 5. History can't agree on who the Betsy in this variation on "for heaven's sake" is or was, but she's certainly left her mark on Southern slang. If his brains were dynamite, he couldnt blow his nose. That man is talking with his tongue out of his shoe. I'm as poor as a church mouse. 48. 12. It is not a particularly a Southern saying. You probably like to assume that you're smarter than this water fowl, but if a Southerner thinks you aren't, they'll surely set you straight. ), He has a duck fit. Only female dairy cows produce milk. "Well Bless Your Heart" This one has two meaning, you're either being called an idiot or it's a true term of sympathy.. it's all in the tone. Bumfuzzled means dazed, confused and bewildered. Southern Sayings About Being Poor & Broke. 1. 11. A Southerner . This is one of the Southern sayings used to correct a child's behavior. He ran like a scalded haint. This Southern slang dictionary will help you avoid confusion if you are planning to visit the South. She could start an argument in an empty house. Here are the most popular dirty quotes for girlfriend and boyfriend you can share over text or use whenever you feel naughty. An extremely cocky rooster might think the sun rises simply because he crows. yapper - mouth. One site declared it doesnt amount to a hill of beans is a Southern saying and then explained it entered the public lexicon when Humphrey Bogart said it at the end of Casablanca. You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. This phrase means that the object of your hunt was so close, it could've literally struck. He doesnt have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. "That dog don't hunt" and similar sayings are most popular in Georgia, where they can easily stand in for an explanation that something won't or doesn't work. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old southern quotes, southern sayings, and southern proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources. She so ugly, shed make a freight train take a dirt road. Hotter than a firecracker lit at both ends. I've looked all over hell and half of Georgia to find the best and funniest Southern sayings for all y'all, and I sure hope they tickled you as much as they tickled me. Bumfuzzled is like being hammered drunk, spun around three times and let loose in a fog to find your way home. By Rachidlharime. Its so much more poetic than I guess so or a simple yes. Lawd, pull that down! Old-fashioned sayings may sound all sweet, but sometimes these sentiments have a double meaning. Instead of straight-out asking for a hug or kiss, chances are, your Southern relatives cooed this to you whenever they came to visit. If he were an inch taller, hed be round. Theyd be pretty pissed, right? A gentle reminder that Grandma still cares about your bedtimeand general wellbeing. There are a ton of new adjustments, as of Sunday. Why do Southerners invoke his name in place of "hell"? She was quick to speak up on the "Buffy" set. I could eat the north end of a south-bound polecat. Youre tired and exhausted, Drunk as cooter brownCooter Brown was a character who constantly stayed drunk to avoidthe draft, so simply put.. youre drunk as ever, Buggy aka shopping cart, we prefer to make up our own words for objects though, Used to could I used to be able to do that, now I cant (simple, right? Grinnin' like a possum eatin' a sweet tater. Tiny ringbearers adorable antics has all the guests dissolving into laughs, Teen steps up to take girl with special needs to prom after date cancels on her, Man buys self-defense taser for his wife and tests it on himself with comical results, Woman gets swift lesson in manners and gravity after taking package from someones porch, Closer look at flag being sold at flea market brings man to a halt when he spots writing on it, Married couple clasp hands in hospital as plug is pulled and refuse to let go, Woman learns to sew and brings her grandmas 83-year-old fashion sketches to life, Dick Van Dyke proves hes still got moves at 96 in video with wife. Its like Great Britain, where you can have a wide variety of accents and locally popular sayings in a relatively small area. Its been hotter than a goats butt in a pepper patch. This phrase describes a person whos blissfully ignorant of reality. There are other animals commonly referred to in Southernisms as well, including but not limited to cats, turtles, gators, birds, possums, and skunks. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. #4 Walmart on Black Friday. 13.54, 15.04 "Drunker than Cooter Brown"As legend has it, Cooter Brown was a man who did not see fit to take up with either side during the Civil War, and so remained so staggeringly drunk throughout the entire conflict that he avoided conscription. Early to Bed and Early to Rise Makes You Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise. I'll knock you into the middle of next week looking both ways for Sunday! My favorite southern saying is "I'm hungrier than a tic on a teddybear". 45. (This goes back to the days of wealthy cotton plantations. 4. He doesn't know whether to check his ass or scratch his watch. We are not endorsed by, authorized by, or affiliated with any mentioned attractions. Over-the-shoulder boulder holders. aww sugar pie honey bun. These are some of the most common (and not so common) Southern slang terms heard in Arkansas and throughout the South. (And because she still listens to this Doris Day tune.). Honestly, Ive never looked at the man quite the same way again. Like ugly on an ape. No. What your accent says about you, Who has the best steak in Gatlinburg? While this phrase can be meant sincerely, it usually has an edge. These sayings are sure to bring back a host of memories and a ton of laughter and of course, some Southern pride. ", Funny as a three-legged dog in a horse race. Did it in a fever. Getty Images. If it is the dirty element that gives pleasure to the act of lust, then the dirtier it is, the more pleasurable it is bound to be. According to the language podcast A Way With Words, variations on the saying, "more excuses than Carter's got pills" arose from a "very successful product known as Carter's Little Liver Pills," which "were heavily marketed beginning in the late 1880s, and as late as 1961 made for some amusing television commercials.". Begin to drop your 'g' as we're crossin' the Mason-Dixon line to learn the ways of the Southerners. Tall cotton bushes are easier to pick and yield higher returns. Other popular variations include dumber than a bag of hammers, drunker than Cooter Brown and hotter than Georgia asphalt (blue blazes is also acceptable). Question: What does "Wake with the South In My Mouth" mean? This describes someone with an unfortunate set of buck teeth. In my neck of the woods, the long-tailed cat is nervous, not busy. She has almost certainly exclaimed "Goodness gracious!" "dry as a chip" "all over it like stink on a monkey" "as dirty as a frenchman" "so tight you shit diamonds" "Fair bump play on" "Sticks out like dogs balls on a canary" . 20. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's rainin'! As a dead pigs body lies out in the sunshine, see, its lips begin to pull back from its teeth, creating the illusion of a wide grin. She's so gussied up you'd think it was a beauty contest. (Some of us several times a day.) When you travel down South, "as all get-out" is the only superlative you need. Why so sad? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. They've passed down their recipes, their china patterns, and their parenting tips, for starters. It's so dry the trees are bribing the dogs. What are YOUR favorite Southern phrases? Over time, the phrase "the rabbit died" became a euphemistic way of saying someone was pregnant. 1. ), 8. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay under the porch. You're lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. "Take my man, stay away from my horse.". He couldn't find his ass with both hands in his back pockets. Quit goin' around your ass to get to your elbow. Our site produces editorial content for the purpose of entertainment. But be careful, if youre not quick on your feet, you can set yourself up for a spectacular crash and burn. Woman without curves is like a road without bends. Southerners have a way with the English languageespecially when they're insulting you. Who is "Sam Hill"? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Im so poor I couldnt jump over a nickel to save a dime. . This joke may contain profanity . He has a duck fit. Dang-flabbit. I'm gonna fetch me the most fetching filly I can find.   France   |   English (US)   |   (EUR), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. That thing is all catawampus. (I don't know what a "haint" is, but apparently a scalded one can run really fast!). Deez Nuts, Funny Boxers SVG, Naughty Valentine SVG, Mens Underwear SVG. 9. I wouldn't walk across the street to piss on him if he was on fire. He reportedly said the company had offered legislators as much as $25,000 for their votes to kick him out of office what he called enough money to burn a wet mule. Real meaning: Talking of volume and sound, here we have yet another one of those old sayings from the late 19 th century. One of the most common and most Southern phrases that's still in use, this one means that you're about to (or thinking about) doing something, whether that's make a snack, go to work, or give someone a piece of your mind. Content courtesy of Business Insider. But for the most part, the phrases people invented to get around the rules of society are pretty interesting. Disclosure: This site is sponsored by ads and affiliate programs. Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. I'll knock you so hard you'll see tomorrow today. There is another similar expression that is commonly used, but is a little more vulgar. Its hotter than two rabbits screwin in a wool sock! In reality, the phrase has little to do with religion and more to do with a passive-aggressive way to call you an idiot. ), 6. To be fair, it could also be referring to dreaming. varmint - an animal (usually wild) Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. And the truth is, from Louisiana to Rocky Top, from Pensacola to Memphis, we do enjoy a good colloquialism. The expression describes someone in an extreme state of upset and anxiety, and, of course, it was used by Tennessee Williams as the title of his Pulitzer-winning 1955 play. A little effort now may save you lots of effort later. Fixin' to. They speculate its a colloquial perversion of cater-corner. Variations include: catawampous, cattywampus, catty wonkus. Of course, there are the good old standbys we all know and love, like "y'all" and "down yonder." If you are moving to the South, here are the cuss words you need to place into your vocabulary (TIP: They don't work if you don't say them with a Southern accent): 1. For example: "That dog won't hunt." "That's a hard dog to keep on the porch." "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog." "Run with the big dogs or stay on the porch." "Happy as a tick on a fat dog." Et cetera. Hes about as confused as a fart in a fan factory. Southerners sure have a colorful way with their words and it couldnt be any funnier. 16. She's pretty as a pumpkin but half as smart. ), 2. Hes so cheap he wouldnt give a nickel to see Jesus ridin a bicycle. It was used to described a part of something being assembled incorrectly. There's a tree stump in a Louisiana swamp with a higher IQ. He's so uppity he deserves a PhD in snobbery. Or opaque. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { She has her nose so high in the air she could drown in a rainstorm. It's hotter than Kevin's mom out there! So ugly hed scare a buzzard off a gut pile. Another reminder to be measured about what you do and how you do it. He hasn't got the sense God gave a goose. Below are just a few redneck sayings and quotes pages created by our guests. I'm fixin' to fix the porch door after I finish this sweet tea. Back when I was self-conscious about filling Southern stereotypes, I tried to avoid yall and reckon like the plague. The English language has grown and developed differently in different regions of the country, but perhaps no area has used itand continues to use it as colorfully as the South. ), 12. Question: Do you have any insight on where the expression "I'm going to the house" comes from? "He's as useless as tits on a bull" Well, bulls do not have these.. cows do my friend. A good mild swear on the end is also a frequent go-to. Question: What does it mean when someone says "You're sexier than socks on a rooster"? Dangnabbit. Exactly. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.". Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. 36 of 63. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If a Southerner calls you "ugly," it's most likely not a knock at your physical appearanceit's a deeper criticism. Generally, I have not heard comments about men's pants at all. 4. If a "stuck up" person thinks that they're better than everyone around them, someone who's "stuck up higher than a light pole" has some serious ego issues. to move or function in a slow sloth like way, esp. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Conversations south of the Mason-Dixon line will befuddle anyone not born there. 5. So dumb he couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. It's hotter than a horny housewife reading 50 shades of grey at the Magic Mike XXL premiere. (Poor goat), 9. He's so skinny, if he stood sideways and stuck out his tongue, he'd look like a zipper. What sayings does your grandma always use? This book is the largest collection of Southern sayings available. ), 42. "Crushing on Cali.". If someones got the red ass, theyve got a burr under their saddle and any other little thing might just set them off. All rights reserved. 18. Question: I didn't grow up in the south, but I did grow up a country boy in Iowa. (Cats hate water.). Hotty Toddy News is the trusted source for news, sports, and more in the LOU community. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. If he were an inch taller, he'd be round. This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. xhr.send(payload); Answer: "I'm going to the house" is such a common expression, I'm not sure it originated in any specific region. Air-Up: Function: Verb To pressurize or inflate. Hes so skinny, if he stood sideways and stuck out his tongue, hed look like a zipper. CraftyWACofFiles. AKA: "It's time to go!" There are just some things that are a little different in the South. Sh**tin in high cotton. Theyre common. Hes so rich he buys a new boat when he gets the other one wet. 2. Some folks might say she's cheap, but that can take on a whole 'nother meaning. Answer: I've never heard the expression "wrong sudadderds", but it's an interesting way of saying "assbackwards!". 41.'POST', '', true); Cotton has long been a key crop to the Souths economy, so every harvest farmers pray for tall bushes loaded with white fluffy balls in their fields. The phrase reportedly originated in C. Davis Diary of 1865. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. (This is charming yet disgusting way of saying youre so hungry you could eat a horse.). 37. I am here to help with that, Well Bless Your Heart This one has two meaning, youre either being called an idiot or its a true term ofsympathy.. its all in the tone, Hes as useless as tits on a bull Well, bulls do not have these.. cows do my friend. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old dirty quotes, dirty sayings, and dirty proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources. (When shes more pissed off. He couldnt find his ass with both hands in his back pockets. A man without a woman is like a pistol without a trigger; it is the woman who makes the man go off. He is so dumb, he could throw himself on the ground and miss. Well, that's all she wrote, y'all. Fine as frogs hair split four ways Whats that? #8 a flopping fish in an ice chest. Shes busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor. I Feel Like I've been shot at and missed, shit at and hit. 24 of 30. She is so ugly, her face would turn sweet milk to clabber. (Lawd have mercy, you better run and hide! He was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs. This one may sound a little blue, but it has a practical source. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Shes having a dying duck fit. (Translation: Apparently pretty happy.). Enter your email address to stay up to date on the latest stories on Shareably. All Rights Reserved. 8. Youre gonna have old and new-monia dressed like that! (Poor sweaty sock), 10. The time will pass anyway. Surely your grandma has told you to eat an apple a day. But theyre quite useful. This phrase made a lot of sense back when many people had to farm for a living. If brains were leather, he wouldn't have enough to saddle a junebug. He squeezes a quarter so tight the eagle screams. Best It's Hotter Than Jokes. I needed to laugh tonight to take off an edge. We've all had the experience of searching frantically for something that ended up being right in front of us. He's so dumb, he could throw himself on the ground and miss. 26. Southern Voice: a few funny redneck sayings and a photo of my pet dear. A dirty exterior is a great enemy to beauty of all descriptions. Its raining harder than he said, taking a pause deep enough that it drew painful attention to the fact he had nowhere to go, a cat shaking off fleas.. So when that insult comes your way, you'd better take a hard look at your manners and behavior. Im so hungry I could eat the north end of a south-bound goat. Bumfuzzled. A horse will look sick and tired if you forget this step, much like a person who misses sleep or drinks too much. Question: Don't you think the "pants so tight you can tell his religion" refers to men and circumcision? Like our Instagram page to get more stories. She squeezes a quarter so tight you can hear the eagle scream - She's very tight-fisted with her money. There's a Southern expression for every occasion. Breastfeeding In Front Of Family Members Doesnt Have To Be Stressful, Have A Valentine's Day To Remember With These Fun Games For Couples, 126 Newlywed Game Questions To Get The Party Started, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. A three-legged dog in a comfortable living room bribing the dogs ' corn has changed meanings over time cattywampus has. Ass or scratch his watch 's most likely not a knock at your manners and behavior make dating even than... With any mentioned attractions never looked at the Magic Mike XXL premiere a at! Boot with the Wind this aint the days of Wealthy cotton plantations 'll... Rain, bless your heart '' fat dog. when I was self-conscious about filling Southern stereotypes, tried. To move or function in a fog to find your way home he would n't across... The end is also a frequent go-to dying duck fit '' is the only way adjust! Empty house a frequent go-to out, I 'm going to the days of Wealthy cotton plantations people profiting... 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