It has less than half the members and attendance it had when he came. Every church needs an actual pastor who actually is physically present and actually knows and cares for his people. Theres very little Scripture in sermons. The main trend Ive seen over the past 20 years or so is that the Calvinist/Non-Calvinist divide at the top of the SBC does not seem to be an issue. @ Nick Bulbeck: So if it is the means then why are people upset when Platt says that people need to get with it regarding the means? You get character development, plot development and backstory. If things do go bad, I could go home to house and spouse, and have my career. *looks skyward, whistles*. I asked if anyone had any word on new and promising upcoming middle of the road candidates for the next election because I did not have time right now to research them myself. And the Global Replace String man With String person' approach gets pretty silly. You left out charlatans and congenital liars. Its possible this man simply feigned interest in my mother hoping she would tell him that she would leave some $$$ to the church. I very much agree that many Christians do this quite well without drawing attention to themselves do you mean positional recognition? . final sermon at The Church at Brook Hills today and he stated he still has the dream of going on mission to Nepal. I think the answer lies in two seemingly unrelated things sometime ~1997 when 9Marks took off and when SGM became Reformed. C.J. Thats another contemporary trend so why not ape it in the church? Just suggesting we might try doing things His way if we want them to turn out well. Stalling for time to make the transition. Many who say this buy sermon services to write their sermons for them. Anyway, I love that, and I love Ed's voice! Actually, liberal lefty functions only as temporary place holder for me. He never chided believers to get out there, knock on doors, join me on mission, serve your community, hand out water bottles at marathons, plant a community garden. Of course, we are to do stuff, but the text never says we are to do witnessing as if it is apart from who we are. I mean its not that big of a deal until you look at a pattern in the entire movement. Actually, liberal lefty functions only as temporary place holder for me. No vote, no discussion, just heres who it is, like it or not. Wonder what draws the short stick? It is ended, neither by might of appeal (marketing) nor power of delivery systems, but by My Spirit, says the LORD. I dont know much about them beyond that once TAG disbanded I lost contact but a friend of mine did attend CJs church and said he was a Calvinist. Additionally, DeYoung is a member of The Gospel Coalition Council and writes frequent articles for their blog, is the Senior pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, is an active member of the celebrity Christian conference circuit, teaches at Reformed Seminary, and is working on his Ph.D. As for spending 20-25 hours to prepare a sermon, that may be the case with a real pastor, but in my research I have found it is rarely the case with the busy celebrity preachers. I find it interesting that Paul never did this, at least in his letters. ___ The Teaching Pastor Part-time Unpaid 65% gig serves as a bridge to that and also keeps the McLean pewpeons sticky during the transition period between Senior Pastors which is always tricky. I loved hearing Todd Phillips and Ken Baugh preach. They allege that these government churches have sold their soul and their freedom to the State (according to their critics, the First Amendment already makes them tax exempt anyway). And, while theyre about it, lay hands on and pray for them. +++++++++++++++++++++++. I found your comment fascinating. That makes me sad. I would not list this as something that I need. A shepherd is one who feeds. For whatever reason they didnt feel comfortable mixing with the common folk. To shepherd is literally to feed. Also, the church scattered (during the week) is where much evangelism and service takes place, because they have just been fed on Gods great love. comedian gave a performance recently in which he banked nearly fifteen grand for his one night performance, using the name of jesus near the end to share a gospel-like message. Because healthy community is missional. However, I do think it represents something about care and compassion of the sheep and knowing them by name. sigh. As I wrote last night, the trend over the last 20 years (and especially the last 10 years) has been consolidation of power around Mohler and Mohler loyalists with the only doctrinal essentials being Authoritarianism (meaning loyalty to whatever they say) and Complementarianism. Yes mission is important but it is the means, not the end. Would be beneficial if more people pastored in like fashion. @ Jeffrey J Chalmers: Some of the classes taught by laymembers at MBC are outstanding. Find a church in which the pastor knows you name and truly cares about you-not an abstract you who is just a part of a mass of faces. So we rarely, if ever, get to hear about them. We should do so, so the table is still valid, but so is the pulpit if governments/culture allows. Must be a slow reading inefficient thinker. Small fellowships are well and good, but you darn well better get your fanny in a seat to hear the pastor preach on a regular basis, or else youre doin it wrong. ++++++++++++++++++++. I offer this link to Lon Solomons 2017 letter to the congregation where he announces stepping down as senior and teaching pastor. It is like they think they are crossing some sort of line if they drop their guard and form genuine relationships. Case in point; many years ago my mother, a widow, attended a small church. Those who know Christ (theo) best are better suited to ministry, not those who know sinners (socio) best. One can have a missions agency and not be a church. Many of the long standing members were so messed up that when they tried to attend other churches, (when SGM stuff hit the fan) pastors of non-Calvinist churches began telling them that they were so messed up that these pastors could not possibly help them or their families. My life is so much better now that I have the bread/dough (double entendre). Whos We? I attended McLean Bible for about 4 years starting in 2000 and it certainly wasnt Neo Cal then. Were connected. Or insipid video series made by the pastors wife/youth group/whatever? McLean is new to theSouthern Baptist Convention. Im a liberal lefty too, and I think its high time to revamp the tax codes so that the loopholes are closed and that all non-profits (religious or no) must abide by the same rules. Maybe the problem is not David Platt but the mega church experience. I dont try to use gender inclusive language. Charles Spurgeons : Defense Of Calvinism : It is not my place to question Gods call on this mans life, but again, I have a lot of concerns about this. Sermon on the Mount definitely His sermon on Acts opened our eyes when he introduced some social justice themes in his sermon that had literally nothing to do with the text. Now every believer does have access, but in the church gathered there is order of service (not chaos) and some invested authority (dont want to debate who and how much, just that it exists). But the key is it gives that to the church, not to some supposed superChristian known as the pastor whom we pay to be the shaman and do OUR jobs. But you know what I mean: they didnt go there predominantly to be public speakers. Yeah, I think I get your point, and I appreciate the response. Those who choice encounter this suspicious and questionable phenomenon should exit this religious establishment quickly. He allegedly just got another huge land gift and may be getting ready to build a mansion on the river. Exodus 40 10-17 we see that God appointed Aaron as spokesman for Moses. (Make it uncomfortable for them by degrees, so that they sign or leave? The quick exhilaration of excitement and energy packaged with brightly colored dyes is an easy sell to the consumer. (Yet Mahaney refers to the hours and hours and hours and hours and hours it takes to prepare sermon!) Should it come from the pulpit only? Lol. Another example is P.J. All of which probably sounds more dismissive than I mean it to. The upper room in Jerusalem at Pentecost held a whole bunch of people and is unlikely to have been just somebodys parlor. IMHO Peter was doing evangelism, like Billy Graham, for example, and not pastoring. 14, that will be my last Sunday at Brook Hills, and then well begin to shift totally after that.. Its like a code for the party apparatus. For me personally, it takes faith to be known in a church. Incidentally, they didnt go there to preach the gospel as such. I wonder when. Oh wow Lydia, now you are getting into the territory that my daughter was discovering when she was at school in Baltimore and dating an SGM man. Personally collecting and sending funds from one local body of believers to a non-local body of believers who were in need? The building which was on the tax rolls is now removed causing a decrease in the tax base and higher taxes for others. Hes doing well. Nor do they ever get any deeper. Their incorporation into 501c3 could have serious consequences for them if they are preaching against government legislation (eg. Their doctrines are like leaven and Jesus warned us to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. ___ I hear you. So why do we continue supporting this made up role? As you are well aware, the spiritual life saved, may very well be a personal one. Bet it was said with a disarming smile. Sometimes, the flock is so tired and exhausted that it goes for a happy meal or a snippet. He wants that title. As far as the east is from the west, false Christianity makes the big bucks these days in the land of the affluent for many have bought into the belief that Jesus came to make us healthy, wealthy, and prosperous. He didnt know our names in a 4000 member church. Didnt know why that put Okrapods named instead of TEDSgrad. I think that Platt has a good point. Not screaming like his passengers. Perhaps it could be in a negative senseIOW, everything this man said to do, do the opposite. But a sermon writing service? C. J. Mahaney was a promoter of toxic Calvinism for years and look what happen to those who were fed a steady diet of it at his SGM churches. Its true that not everyone likes it, but many people do. I have said for years, that the problem with many of these pastors is that they want to be Evangelists like Billy Graham, but they want the security of a permanent church. His sermon on Acts opened our eyes when he introduced some social justice themes in his sermon that had literally nothing to do with the text. Could you quote me some specific passages on that? Im aware that the owner of a local restaurant does something similar. As far as being a teacher to the world, I hope the world reads scripture, knows Jesus, and does not believe everything that comes from Davids mouth or writings. That is simply not a position that exists in the New Testament. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are exercised in a corporate setting. Because those are more entertaining, particularly to a TV audience. It evolved; a culture developed around it; rules and regulations; holidays and celebrations; the yearly church calendar; working people could show up, pay up, and leave; eventually the CEO posted a job roster for the volunteers; duties and titles; gender roles; power and access became linked to donated money; book$ and conference$ and web$ite$ and broadcast$; celebrity and status; trips and missions and safaris; etc. The meetings are usually an hour long. When I was in my former church, my husband, a friend and I led a Sunday school class that was well attended. They say the importance of the sermon is a reason they cant have any interaction with the congregation. Dont get me wrong, the Bible is a great and wonderful thing, and as far as holy books go it has no equal. So then why else? Those things cannot be torn apart and pitted against each other; they are part and parcel of the whole. Do you think the Apostle Paul really knew the names of the thousands who were added to the church daily or that he made hospital visits? Anyone who claims the title of lead pastor or head pastor is usurping Jesus authority in the lives of believers. ), I keep hearing that echo from that 9Marks newsletter I read online, where someone asked what to do if people didnt want to sign a covenant, and the answer was to reason with them and then ease them out if they wouldnt sign. +++++++++++++++++++++++. I mean, I dont have a problem with using commentaries and resources to help plan a sermon. @ Todd Wilhelm: Even during a famine, the lowly, needy, hungry lepers find bread in another camp (1 Kings 7:9) the presence of their enemies, and proclaim the Good News that will end the famine. Keep an eye out in your classes. As a police officer, he was still in his 20s feeling burnt out and over it. I usually dread listening to missionaries speak, anticipating the guilt trip that they sometime put on other people for not being as extreme and missional and sacrificial as them. David Tennant is dying to work with Aaron Sorkin. Membership Covenants I remember folks telling me to never attend the last Sunday morning service because he loves to ramble on waaaay over time since he doesnt have to worry about the next service. Isa. Could you quote me some specific passages on that? My church now has quite short sermons, with liturgy. I will grant you that he spoke at other church in the UAE and other countries during some of those weeks, but the fact is he is paid a salary by the UCCD members to be the senior pastor at their church. Ive just looked again at David Platts photograph at the top of this thread. This is a predicate. and he doesnt commit to funerals and all flowers had to comply with their flower policy. Why do we persist, neurotically supporting this model? Last post was meant to be two separate, one responding to Muff, the other to Nick/Bombast/God. Having been in SBC churches for 20 years, I can honestly say that most megachurch sermons are shallow and quite devoid of teaching of Scripture. While I dont know the names of even regulars, I probably recognize them, nor are we allowed (if we follow the church guidelines) to say names.) I dont understand why they want to borrow celebrities. In what respects? If I baked you 10 cookies but one had poison would you eat one or just throw the entire batch out? 34:1-10)? I hear some of you saying that you want a personal interaction with a pastor. InDavid Platt to Be a Teaching PastorIs it a Bridge Too Far for the IMB President? He is doing exactly this! We are called to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11, so the more I followed up with Davids teaching I found that he plays fast and loose with Gods word. // We could argue this stuff back and forth until the ice sheets start moving South again and it would accomplish nada, zilch, and zero. I look forward to reading what she has to say about the sexual abuse coverup in the church her ex-husband, Joshua was senior pastor. The lure of preaching reminds me a great deal of Solomons adulterous woman in Proverbs 7, luring a simple youth to his destruction. My problem with the tax breaks for churches and staff is they dont want government intrusion but then want to keep special exemptions. They say they study and write sermons for 20-25 hours a week. The big boys all use research services to do the heavy lifting. Im not so sure God is so worried about all our acronyms..SBC, IMB, etc Is not our mission unity in love Making disciples, preaching the word to all nations? @ Hope: Because those are more entertaining, particularly to a TV audience. One more thing I almost forgot. Wake me up, wake me up inside I cant wake up,Wake me up inside, save me,Call my name and save me from the dark, wake me upBid my blood to run, I cant wake upBefore I come undone, save meSave me from the nothing Ive become That changed to an affiliation with an American Presbyterian group then that disappeared and the West Of Scotland Gospel Partnership arrived. Blogs. Were Dones. rather, an unpaid volunteer gifted in compassion & empathy. But maybe thats just me trying to figure out how in the world the Odd Couple ever got together and why Dever sold out what he claims to believe so fervently. On more than one occasion he preached a sermon almost word for word from one of Tom Wrights books. I wouldt read too much into that experience. There is no such thing as a teaching pastor in scripture. i have a feeling it isnt wondered about. I can remember on pastor in my lifetime that handled the role fairly well, but Ive known others who truly were pastors. These pastors do a lot of fund raising in the USA, selling themselves as making a huge impact on the muslim world for the cause of Christ. Not a clue. I think that people are more comfortable with Jesus loves me (a song) than they are with keep my commandments (a direct quote from the mouth of Jesus) and some folks find it easy to play the two off against each other in order to avoid whatever they want to avoid and take advantage of whatever they want to take advantage of. I would also spend the other 20-25 hours getting to know the people and doing visitation-type activities. If we then love God we will/should obey God, or so Jesus said regarding himself. Im afraid Lon wanted out and this was the easy road. Is it a worship service or a rock concert? First things first, since were lost in all the re-definitions while keeping old labels. At the risk of opening up a rabbit-trail of dislike for Mr Warren, he is at any rate correct on this, and he lifts the lid on something that needs emphasising much more often than it currently is. Im not sure what title is appropriate for the job hell do there (Lecturer? This gets dicey when one looks at Jesus own descriptions of the judgment, with Himself as the judge, and He spells out what people whom He knows look like in their behavior. Same here. They throw that stuff out there expecting the sheeple to believe them. And there is now a DidaskoFellowship of churches which is about to set up a Didasko Presbytery. On the subject of tax: David Platts Radical Inc. (and also the Gospel Coalition and Ken Hams Answers in Genesis) are non-profit 501c3 organisations. Apparently this post is getting a lot of play out there. And of course to get it embodied, which you can only do with individuals, not in the abstract.-Eugene H. Peterson link. How can you pastor a church if you dont meet the sheep???? They involve prep time, sometimes some fairly in-depth research and number crunching with a spreadsheet when I have to bring in a group to talk over why they have so many issues in a six month period or why their change requests failed more often than the average. I dont know Platt. There were more interesting and relevant things that I cant remember from that story. Meeting in homes instead of large church buildings? Oh yeah-thats the guy who shows us how not to be crazy busy-now *pastor* of a lg church and seminary professor. Also, I think it is wise to say we do things for others because we love them. My Comment was Deleted I do think ministry of the Word takes precedence over pastoral care. I would put those other elements that you mentioned at the center, and leave the weekly preach as an option. Local believers who had plenty sharing personally with other local believers who had need? I have heard so much drivel from the pulpits over the years that they probably wont even have to use formaldehyde, or whatever, on my body; the drivel will be enough preservative. Just today he seems to throw a jab at Paige Patterson. There is no excuse for the lack of shepherding, love, and caring that we are seeing in the modern church. When people function, in love, in their gifts and responsibilities there is no need for a vested authority. But the body is more than church life, and the Academy is supposed to serve the Church. After reading your comments I was deeply discouraged, wow this man must be seriously egotistical and really has no heart for the church body. See how you feel then. Smyth has preached 20 out of a possible 35 Sundays since he was hired! Thus, the model in the New Testament is shared leadership. Or a CEO or accountant looking at the budget and deciding youre too expensive. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). It seems to me that youre all just looking for the perfect church. I have long been an advocate of this. All this flies under the radar. @ Arnold Smartarse: And, sometimes, you get the pleasure of seeing their petty responses to someone that they have no other way of harming. WebAt the minute 4:40, David Platt said that we [Christians at T4G] in a sinful world have blind spots that we cannot see on our own and I fear that I, that we, dont really want to see them. Then he used the text of Amos, and the idea of the sinful Jews described in that book of the Bible, as a parallel to the audience. Another reason the SBC is a joke. Mac Brunson has a history for spending large. Latent Life Force: Frozen Inside Without A Voice?, Resist or get out of this infected 50(c)3 church, the spiritual life you save may very well be your own, How can you see into my eyes, like open doorsLeading you down into my coreWhere Ive become so numb, without a soulMy spirits sleeping somewhere coldUntil you find it there and lead it back home The pastor spends no time ministering to the congregation or outside it. Sopy, youve been too long on the mushrooms I think. Our forefathers knew that the study of Gods Word and prayer was the foundation for ministry. Well just have to agree to disagree. But since we were talking about why hire a teaching pastor who is already employed full-time elsewhere for only the purpose of giving sermons, and okrapod asked why cant pastors and staff be diversified. They cannot-plain and simple. I hate that. IMO Platt is an unethical showman, plain and simple. Is Lons final act his final rock drop by event'(tm) to take MBC, its 25,000 people and the whole of the Washington D. C. area for a dark closeted stealthy ride into Calvinisms Dystopian fake gospel? My impression is that these guys truly have no intention to get to know or love anyonethey only desire to lead! its high time for change. authority. Please, I prepped lesson plans for 6 math classes per day (4 different grade levels) in way, way, way less time than that! I get your point but you will also notice in Acts 2 that believers had all things in common, met daily in the temple and broke bread together in homes. @ Sopwith: You cant have it both ways and these special privileges may prove to be a future rationalization for government meddling. In my experience, this is a typical response of FIEC church leaders and it is a cowardly of saying I dont want to know! So sadly I doubt that any of them would care. 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