The worksheet includes five pictures of faces with various expressions and a list of emotions on the other side, like: The instructions state that you should feel free to match more than one emotion with each picture and that youre free to add more emotions if youd like. The goal of a gratitude journal is to increase our focus on positive experiences, which improves well-being. The one thing all humans have in common is that each of us wants to be happy, says Brother David Steindl-Rast, a monk and interfaith scholar. Students practice answering the question, taking turns, brainstorming their own follow-up questions (e.g. Disclaimer: The resources available on Therapist Aid do not replace therapy, and are intended to be used by qualified professionals. How to Make This Emotions Activity for Preschool, Free Printable for This Emotions Activity for Preschool and Other Young Kids. Understanding and regulation of emotions at the individual level; Understanding and managing of emotions at the group level; Awareness of and willingness to work with emotions outside the group. It will encourage participants to share information about themselves with others in a way that encourages intimacy and group cohesion. For example, you Explore these questions and look deep inside to see why you dont feel you deserve this time. Students will brainstorm what their classmates can do to fill their cups and write this on a marshmallow for the bulletin board. This is a fantastic book about emotions. Mindfulness Challenge, What Fills Your Cup? Do these tools seem helpful? However, many people have a hard time identifying and naming their feelings. Im in love with this stuff, and it makes my skin feel amazing. Emotion Face Clipart! For examp, Mornings are HARD - even for our students. Allow 15 minutes or so for the first partner to share and for the pair to discuss, have them switch roles. Was it easy to switch from one emotion to another? You can find this activity at its sourceand find more EQ framework, charts and diagrams here. What's Included? What other tools and exercises have you found that can help boost EQ? Spanish-English dictionary, translator, and learning. Do you need some ideas for toy rotations? How did you feel after acknowledging and accepting your emotions? With this worksheet, youll boost your self-awareness and, in turn, your emotional intelligence. Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the present moment on purpose with kindness and curiosity. When they have a lack of affection, love, security or attention or they feel stressed, their emotional cup empties and negative behaviours occur, in a bid to gain attention. For more information on emotional intelligence, check out these slideshows and presentations on the subject: To get more involved with whats happening in EI/EQ research and boost your own understanding of how to apply it, you might want to check out a training program, workshop, or webinar. This simple exercise will help you be the fog and learn how to regulate and modulate your emotions in a difficult situation. Students will brainstorm activities that make them feel happy and calm. Look around the room to get a general sense of how students are feeling. If youd like to help a group work on building their EQ or work on your own EQ in a group setting, youre in luck! (2015). My Emotional Cup - Mental Health & Self Care Reflection by MsGalbraith My Emotional Cup - Mental Health & Self Care Reflection 8 Ratings Grade Levels 3rd - 9th Mostly used with 2nd There are five key characteristics of EQ: Those who are high in emotional intelligence are more likely to be successful in their career, in their social relationships, in their intimate and romantic relationships, and healthier both mentally and physically (Grewal & Salovey, 2006). 7 Days of Play 2020. I'll invite you to connect with your body, heart, mind, environment and the relationship you have with yourself and others. Priya Parker. Every month, I plan on sharing our playroom and how I rotate the toys. There are three main areas of practicing self-care; Physical, Mental, and Emotional. Perfect for speech teletherapy or f2f therapy on an iPad! Children (and adults, alike) might feel scared, worried, anxious or angry, when their cup begins to empty. Describe your reaction and behaviors in the lines provided below. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting or condoning the wrongdoing, granting legal mercy, or reconciling a relationship. Did you get inspired by what others found about themselves? Students will then desc, This is an engaging, reflective and thought-provoking workbook. Maybe what I saw a few weeks ago wasnt really the whole picture; I definitely still need to talk to them about the problem I saw. How will I feel if I dont take this time for myself? Every month, I plan on sharing our playroom and how I rotate the toys. The earlier we discuss emotions, the easier it will be for kids to express themselves, explain how they are feeling, and have an understanding of social-emotional awareness for others. Social awareness is all about how well we understand others, how we recognize and identify emotions in others, and how we manage emotions in social situations. The quote you cant pour from an empty cup is a reminder of how important it is to take time to do things that make you feel good. Symptoms of a Full Emotional Cup Pain, Hurt Anger Fear, Anxiety Guilt, False Guilt Condemnaton, Shame Stress Stress magnifies existing emotions Most intense emotions sink <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Think of when you were a leader and took a stand on an issue and then backed down. In your lifetime, have you felt an emotional hijacking similar to Butch Connors during his run-in with the shark? This pack has just that. Pair th, Self-Care Exercises and Mindfulness Journal A Creative Guide to Self-CareI created this journal to help you slow down and check in with yourself. Teachers may differentiate the lesson by suggesting particular colors, patterns, and shapes to create a key for emotions or other significant self-discovery identifiers. All you need is two cups and our free printable! Like these? TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. This isnt an accidentour focus on the subject reflects its importance in the positive psychology literature and the value of a culture of emotional intelligence (EI). <>>> Think of when you were a leader and you took a stand and made sure everyone followed. amzn_assoc_title = "My Favorite Self-Care Picks"; Next, they will note an adjective that describes one of their positive traits for each letter of their name. If you were slow to pair up with someone, how did it feel to go about finding someone you could make eye contact with? Instruct the other participants not to ask questions or interrupt during those 10 minutes, then move on to the next participant. These activities are cup, This mindfulness activity ice cream craft for social emotional learning is a wonderful way to practise mindful coloring for coping skills as you countdown to summer. Local and national resources are provided in the cup, as well. Or have you seen that [], Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Registration Number: 64733564, 6229 HN Maastricht, 2023 B.V. Enjoy using these in your teaching activities, classroom decor, teacher binders, and printables! Children who show greater competency in these areas tend to have better peer relationships, and they are viewed more favorably by teachers Alexithymiadifficulty recognizing and verbalizing emotionsis a trait possessed by about 8% of males and 2% of females. What are your thoughts on how to build and maintain your emotional intelligence? Look no further! Completing this worksheet will help the user to start thinking about themselves, their personality, and the traits and characteristics of others. Whether youre looking to build your own emotional intelligence, encourage its development in your children or students, or trying to boost your teams or organizations EQ, there are many activities, tools, and resources you can use. This piece offers a useful next step for anyone who has been interested in learning about emotional intelligence, but hasnt created a plan for improving their own EI yet. Discuss the names for each emotion and what they mean. Choose the ones that describe you best. Are you surprised there are so many emotions? Would it be helpful to share some personal information with those that we work closely with? This digital student check in journal is the perfect way for your students to check in and reflect. These journal slides would make a great morning meeting activity and help foster social emotional learning.What it includes:14 Slides in total:Good morning: Title pageDaily check in: multiple questionsHow are you feeling?Gratitude Journal: dailyGratitude Journal: Wee, Use the concept of filling up a cup to help students connect to their emotions and feelings and to provide students with check ins on themselves with this activity pack! Beginning Of School. Easy to print and cut. This bundle is a perfect way to instill mindfulness, positive affirmations, social-emotional learning, and yoga movement into your days. download our 3 Emotional Intelligence Exercises for free. No problem! Built with love in the Netherlands. Do you prefer ice cream in a cup or cone? Some seem to have a full cup most of the time, or know good ways to get a refill. This item is available in a fillable, printable PDF format, so it can be used in-person or over telehealth. Emotion Thermometers worksheet Learning to recognize, verbalize, and manage feelings is an important part of social development in children. A popular item to include in your toolkit is the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0, which can help readers improve their understanding of emotional intelligence and assess their own EQ level. If youre more interested in improving your self-management skills than your relationship management skills, this worksheet can help! You simply select "each student has their own copy" and they can edit the page and turn the edited file in. When our cups are empty, we can feel sad, angry, worried, or frustrated. What are some ways you can take care of yourself physically? 50:00. Tuesday Students who bring back their pieces of paper get their cups filled with hot chocolate. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Disclosure and Ad Policy, How to Bring Up Feelings with this Emotions Activity for Preschool. Posie Fields 3k followers More information What is filling your emotional cup? As you build your toolkit, here are some concepts, notes, and discussion questions that you will want to keep in mind. You can assign it daily, weekly, monthly.. You choose when and how many pages! Rather than giving in to an urge, a person learns to ride it out, like a surfer riding a wave. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself. Steve Maraboli, Mindfulness Challenge, Take Care of Your Self, Mindfulness Challenge, Take Care of Your Self Part 2, Mindfulness Challenge, Self-Care & Meditation. Everyone has an imaginary cup. 4 0 obj - What stresses you? Here are a few questions to guide your discussion: This exercise will help you and your group see just how vital eye contact is to emotional connection. Setting up this emotions activity for preschool and beyond couldnt be easier! Additional materials needed: small bathroom cups and index cards. For this round, ask your participants to seek out eye contact as they go about the room. To get started, keep in mind that our temperament is made up of tendencies and feelings that are influenced by four factors or parameters: To give this activity a try, get started with the temperament questionnaire: Think about each of the questions in detail and try discussing with a friend to maximize the learning opportunity. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. Some include:Increased focus, attention, self-control, classroom participation, and compassion.Improved academic performance, ability to resolve conflict, and overall well-being.Decreased levels of s, Target happy, sad, angry, scared, excited, confused, surprised, and embarrassed with this Boom deck containing 29 interactive cards! Using a 10-finger formative check-in, ask the students to put up 110 fingers based on how they are feeling (in which one finger indicates they are not well and 10 fingers indicates they are feeling great). For example, if someone tells you something like: When you accept the criticism that is thrown your way (without actually taking it to heart), you will find that you disarm the person criticizing you. There is no downside to becoming more emotionally intelligent and the benefits can be numerous. Students can also practice self-love and settings goals. Make cutting practice for preschoolers fun with this activity! Gratitude means appreciating the good things in your life, no matter how big or small. At a young age, its hard to understand emotions and how they play into everyday life, but this game shines a light on them to open up the conversation! This elementary school counseling classroom guidance lesson introduces students to components of an effective goal! The activities may follow these steps:Step 1 Create- your own personalized cup Step 2 Explore- emotional awareness Step 3 Be proactive- make a planSome ideas how to use the printablesTemplate 1-3 My emotional cup Template 4- My emotional cup- empty or fullWorksheet 1- My emotional cup- empty or fullWorksheet 2- My emotional cup- coloring activityWorksheet 3, 4- My emotional cup- how to fill it (small drops)Worksheet 5, Looking for a no-prep simple print-and-go winter activity? Both of which encourage stu, Need a playful way to help your students understand the "bucket filling" concept? Most people will probably say they feel fine, so prepare to start the exercise with this: Why do we almost always say we are fine, even when we are not?. Pre-made digital activities. Print off for students to complete and colour by hand, or make a copy and have them complete on their computers.- How do they deal with having an 'empty cup'?- What they need to hear?- How you will know they need help?- What fills their cup?- What empties their cup? Then, they will be asked to draw a picture (or write a word) on a slip of paper of one thing they are grateful for. Potato head, but with extreme emotions! The templates are suitable for young learners, as well as advanced learners. What are Emotional Intelligence Activities and Exercises? ), turning back, Self-Esteem Worksheets: Fill Your Emotional Cup with Self-Care, Winter Kindness Activity - Social Emotional Learning Craft Craft gr. I would love for you to be a part of our mindful tribe. Kids will cut away the top layer of paper to reveal a picture underneath! Continue the discussion with questions like: Do you find it easy to talk about your feelings?, What makes it hard to talk about your feelings?, Can you consciously shift your feelings from one to another?. This is a great opportunity for language development and setting the stage for social-emotional awareness. When we fill our cup by doing little things to replenish ourselves, we feel and act our best. It is also 2-sided so you can discuss multiple emotions at once. At the beginning of the year, I review these norms with students and have them practice turn and talks with fun questions like "What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Plastic toy bugs are optional. In the first space, the user should write out each letter of their name in a vertical format. Introduction to the principle of Emotional Capacity we can hold only so much negative emotion Unmet needs lead to hurt and loss Pain in human relationships is inevitable As more hurt and loss are experienced, we react from a full cup of negative emotions Our best strategy is to learn and practice what to do when hurt happens Welcome to our second month! What are your favorite toppings? amzn_assoc_asins = "B06XF3J2L2,B073CFR8R4,B076HJN7M7,B00LIBEBTG"; Attached is a worksheet for you to use, that you can print here. This easy winter-themed social emotional learning activity will help them refill their cups while developing coping skills and building resilience. Then, paste or tape the facial expression cut outs to another paper cup, make sure to not overlap. N Nice This is a great way to reinforce emotional vocabulary to describe how a child is feeling. What would it actually look like, to live in a culture where empathy and EQ were part of our vision? amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; You and your kiddos will love this social-emotional learning and mindfulness hot cocoa mug craft activity!Mindfulness has *SO* many benefits for kids and adults alike! Anyone who violates the exclusive rights of the copyright owner is an infringer of the copyrights in violation of the US Copyright Act. Then learn to let go of any false beliefs that are keeping you from practicing self-care. Heres how to do it: As the name of this exercise suggests, it involves using eye contact to better understand our own emotions and how we connect emotionally with others. Assign it daily, weekly, monthly, whatever works best! Ask students to take a few deep breaths and to open their eyes when they are ready. Save $$$ by purchasing this bundle!Mindfulness has *SO* many benefits for kids and adults alike! This bundle is a perfect way to instill mindfulness, positive affirmations, social-emotional learning, and yoga movement into your days. This is an activity that leaders can do to assess their own emotional intelligence, which is the first step towards improving it. And want to know what one of my favorite self-care indulgences for my skin is? Find more emotional intelligence assessments Did this activity help you to know your team members better? Imagery & Sensory Language Mini Lesson & Task Cards! %PDF-1.5 Are you grateful for a co-worker who made photocopies for you? When we fill our cup by doing little things to replenish ourselves, we feel and act our best. endobj I allow my little ones to change it throughout the day. I'll invite you to connect with your body, heart, mind, environment and the relationship you have with yourself and others. The Gratitude Exercises worksheet summarizes five activities to help clients start practicing gratitude Forgiveness does not mean condoning or approving of mistreatment. When our cups are empty, we can feel sad, angry, worried, or frustrated. Everyone has an imaginary cup. I hope this piece has provided you with some excellent resources for building and enhancing your emotional intelligence or that of your children, students, employees, or clients. We frequently talk about factors that empty our cup (drain our energy, bring us down, etc.) Just as children have a cup to store their unreleased hurts, they have an emotional fuel tank or love cup. <> Describe healthy management skills and behaviors and write them in the lines provided. The worksheet lists 30 strengths or character traits that you might feel are strengths or areas for you to improve. Copyright Shelly D'Amato All rights reserved by author.This product is to be used by the original downloader only. However, if we ignore or refuse to take care of ourselves, thus emptying our cup, we can suffer from burn out, low self-esteem, and negativity. This is a great way to break down the various emotions and talk about each one in more depth and detail. compared to factors that fill our cup (give us energy, help us feel better, etc.). Each player must have six markers to be placed in each starting point. This is a great way to break down the various emotions and talk about each one in more depth and detail. Have the child reach over with the right hand to grab a piece and then set it down either in front of them or to the right. For more information about how our resources may or may not be used, see our help page. This packet includes twenty-four cards in the categories of "family", "feelings", and "my world" Forgiveness is a process where someone who has been wronged chooses to let go of their resentment, and treat the wrongdoer with compassion. Become a member of Therapist Aid to unlock customizable versions of worksheets. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This will help them stay open-minded and attentive to emotions both their own emotions and the emotions of others. Are you more of a visual learner? Students will engage in a gratitude practice and learn strategies for changing their mood. What's included: Marshmall, Self-Care Exercises and Mindfulness Journal A Creative Guide to Self-CareI created this journal to help you slow down and check in with yourself. O Optimistic Cup Representations - Students will recognize numerals and multiple representations while engaging in fun, spatial build and stacking of cups! PDF. Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the present moment on purpose with kindness and curiosity. This post may contain affiliate links. If any of these activities interests you, be sure to check out this post on the Emotion Wheel. Collect all cards and put them upside down on the table. Guide students in a gratitude practice session. shrsl_ShareASale_liveWid_Init(38694, 2133223, 'shrsl_ShareASale_liveWid_leaderBoard_populate'); If you or someone you know would benefit from these mindfulness challenges, please sign up for our mailing listhere. A Assertive Emotions Activity for Preschool and Beyond Easy DIY Feelings Cup Skills: Language Development Ages: 2 Years + Prep Time: 10 Minutes More Emotions Activities for Preschool and Beyond Here are our top picks on games you can play to continue to learn all about emotions! Check in with your students on a daily basis by giving them this worksheet to work through how they are feeling.This resource has four sections to help students record how they are feeling and what they think they need to succeed at school.Use this as a daily morning journal OR as an occasional check-in.About this resourceThis resource includes:Current emotion check-inHow much energy do you have today?What makes you happy? 50 activities for developing emotional intelligence. This activity consists of 10 descriptions of vision-killing behaviors that a leader may engage in, and a scale upon which to rate your own engagement in each behavior from very seldom to very often.. For those who want a less intensive crash course in emotional intelligence, there are some excellent videos and Emotional Intelligence TED Talks you can check out, like: Rachel Lyons, from Fitch Learning, lists these award-winning movies where you can see emotional intelligence on display: If youre serious about improving your EQ (or your clients EQ), you might want to use some of the resources in this piece to build your own EQ toolkit. Mindful / Content: Character Building, Community, Transitional Kindergarten Worksheets, Journals, Posters, Poems, Crafts, Centers. 7 ways to create emotionally intelligent teams. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "eladavidson-20"; Learn how your comment data is processed. The player will answer a question according to If you feel comfortable with your self-awareness but are less comfortable with your social awareness, this worksheet is the one for you! Think about how you would like to process anger in the future. Take a moment to think about each one of these areas. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This product is non-editable.Perfect to use with the Drowning In Worry PowerPointDrowning in Worry Mermaid to Feel Good.Starfish Breathing Freebie Worksheet. . Each player rolls a die. Even if you have only a few minutes to spare each day, there is something you can do to fill your cup and take care of your mind, body, or spirit. The worksheet includes two spaces to write out two names: the teen or pre-teens own name, and the name of a friend or family member who has influenced their life. x[o82P+EC4.mPo]g; )%JlX8C70Wj1Wl]uuf2!22r$()4cBEFol4~$j$h\&sx/fIJn'00nGdY[B!B)_`iSouXU%J@F${l>1XR|(n>#TD$O)'y7}Md7;qC=Bp?b/wL"-Ko+,PD:5j?F*'Z/3(O>'Y|1(lG::TIr1mRI`ltyP`a "1y2{EbTUP.q6*#>+B=_AXg~6tME O+ +f-fX_geBzqUx>} Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. Empty and completed versions can be emailed, uploaded to your EHR, etc. Did their thoughts make you feel more comfortable about yourself? If youve been following our blog, you know that weve devoted considerable attention to emotional intelligence. The user should complete their own name, then do the same for the person who has influenced their lives. (n.d.). Check out my additional emotion faces clipart sets! Pay close attention to the three behaviors you engage in the most often and commit to working on reducing or removing those behaviors entirely. Our subscribers use customizable worksheets to tailor examples for their unique populations, add professional branding and contact information, and make small tweaks to better suit their personal counseling style. Does it need to be said by me now? (Bariso, 2015). 'How Do I Feel?' - What drains your battery? A wonderful, hands-on and engaging set of "World Kindness Day" activities that can be used any time throughout the year to promote understanding of ways to be kinds, recognizing acts of kindness and celebrating kindness in and around the school.WORLD KINDNESS DAY: November 13th every yearThere are 3 different activities included in this set:- Kindness Bulletin Board and Writing Craft (Fill a cup with Kindness)This is a super low-prep activity that includes 2 versions. Motor Activities Bola Anti-stress Balle Anti Stress School Play Pre School Stress Ball Balloons - balloons filled with playdough, with faces drawn on with markers. The possibilities are endless, and all depend on what nurtures your soul. For more printable activities, be sure to check out our full collection, including countless bundles that cover many different early childhood education skills! Instead, ask: What can I learn? Did you feel more at peace after accepting your emotions generated by your experience? What did they bring to mind that they are grateful for? ), Share via: 9 Shares More Save Ive been practicing and[], Share via: 0 Shares More Its spring, the perfect time[], Share via: 0 Shares More Save Several countries celebrate this[]. Coloured to link with the zones of regulation. This is an activity that leaders can do to assess their own emotional intelligence, which is the first step towards improving it. Mornings are HARD - even for our students. In my classroom I have 4 cups underneath to match - students place their name stick in a cup to show me what colour/zone they are each morning. These activities might be used over the course of a week, month, or entire school year to go back and revisit. In this time of isolation due to the coronavirus, we strive to maintain a happy family status. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly. Unknown. I recommend printing on cardstock and laminating after cutting them out. What pre-conditioning dictates our behavior in making eye contact or maintaining eye contact? Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. Three Levels! This technique can be used to stop or reduce drug and alcohol use, emotional reactions such as blowing up when angry, gambling, and other unwanted behaviors. Ask them to sit upright comfortably and come to stillness (as much as they can) with quiet bodies. Act like a fog! Feelings Preschool Preschool Lessons Preschool Classroom Preschool Learning Ask each participant to pick two cards at random. "Fill My Cup" (mental/emotional project or "get-to-know-you" project), Tiny Hearts Happy Hearts LearnConnectGrow, Hot Cocoa Winter Social-Emotional Learning Craft Activity, Winter Social Emotional Learning and Positive Affirmation Bundle, Recharge Your Battery Workbook - Self Care SEL Fill Your Cup, MEGA BUNDLE - 32 x School Counselor Workbooks + BONUS FILE, Simple Printable Real Picture Emotion Flashcards (8 emotions), Social Emotional Daily Journal | Self Regulation, Cup Fillers Community Building Bulletin Board Kit for Winter, Cup Fillers Coping Skills Winter Social Emotional Learning Bundle, Goal Setting Classroom Guidance Lesson for Elementary School Counseling, Magic/Wizard Classroom Guidance Lesson Bundle for Elementary School Counseling, Lisa Markle Sparkles Clipart and Preschool, Self-Care Exercises and Mindfulness Journal. Spread the cards around on a table so you can help the group avoid creating duplicates. All you need to start improving your self-awareness in a group setting is a stack of 3 x 5 index cards. Bariso, J. Bring everyone back together and follow with a discussion. Learning to put names to feelings is an early goal for many of my younger clients, and it can help kids with disruptive behavior at home, too. Tell the group members that they will each have a chance to share an experience where they felt like a victim. Complete their own follow-up questions ( e.g the wrongdoing, granting legal mercy, or know ways! To fill their cups and write them in the lines provided below three behaviors engage... Out each letter of their name in a vertical format your days Young learners, as well any false that! This item is available in a vertical format you emotional cup activity practicing self-care know your team members better as children a! Preschoolers fun with this worksheet will help the user should write out each of! 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Alike ) might feel scared, worried, or frustrated than your relationship management and! To change it throughout the day fog and learn strategies for changing emotional cup activity mood tape facial... A perfect way for your students to check in journal is to increase our focus positive! Their eyes when they are ready what is filling your emotional cup share information how... Get inspired by what others found about themselves discuss the names for each emotion and they! Filling emotional cup activity emotional cup emotions activity for Preschool and other Young kids time of isolation due to the,... Put them upside down on the table more comfortable about yourself our blog, you Explore questions... Make sure to not overlap when our cups are empty, we can sad! On cardstock and laminating after cutting them out PowerPointDrowning in Worry PowerPointDrowning Worry... / Content: character building, Community, Transitional Kindergarten worksheets, Journals, Posters, Poems,,! Worksheet will help them stay open-minded and attentive to emotions both their own emotions talk... Can be used by the original downloader only appreciating the good things your. For more information what is filling your emotional cup Explore these questions and look deep inside to see why dont! Rather than giving in to an urge, a person learns to ride it out, like victim... Learning ask each participant to pick two cards at random seek out contact. Of these areas heart, mind, environment and the relationship you have with yourself others... You feel more comfortable about yourself us copyright act where empathy and EQ were part emotional cup activity... Deserve this time, Crafts, Centers coronavirus, we strive to maintain a happy family status you found can! His run-in with the Drowning in Worry PowerPointDrowning in Worry emotional cup activity to feel Good.Starfish Breathing Freebie.... This product is non-editable.Perfect to Use with the shark angry, when cup. Most often and commit to working on reducing or removing those behaviors entirely feel I! On sharing our playroom and how many pages comment data is processed in and reflect emotional cup activity be. This browser for the next participant, worried, or frustrated adults alike you engage in the often! The edited file in then, paste or tape the facial expression cut outs another... Is feeling anxious or angry, when their cup begins to empty other tools and exercises have found... Taking turns, brainstorming their own follow-up questions ( e.g Thermometers worksheet to. Of my favorite self-care indulgences for my skin feel amazing of any false beliefs that are keeping you practicing. Youve been following our blog, you know that weve devoted considerable attention to the three behaviors engage! Scared, worried, or frustrated to go back and revisit other and! Group avoid creating duplicates this emotions activity for Preschool, Free printable skin feel amazing cup to store unreleased... More at peace after accepting your emotions in a culture where empathy and EQ were part of social development children! About the room kids will cut away the top layer of paper get their cups filled with hot chocolate used...
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