Because you've dedicated so much time to this person, and you feel uneasy towards . Here is perhaps the coolest part about this concept. When you spend any significant portion of your life with someone, you develop an attachment to them. The other one I never spoke to again. We loved. So it is the minimum respect. In most cases it is possible to get back with an ex when you have a positive attitude and outlook. If you dont, shell go cold on you and tell you she started dating someone else. Not really a breakup situation here but I would still appreciate your advice. 2. But she doesnt acknowledge it. Friendships make us feel safe and fulfill attachment needs, so it's no surprise that security is a key reason people stay friends with an ex (Griffith et al., 2017). What do I do?! Youll probably have a different one altogether with your lover. In the complaint filed at Manhattan . Im not sure if I should try and be friends because while I have strong feelings Im not sure its love. Your focus will be reseducing your ex and that will change everything! You need to leave her alone until she becomes afraid, realizes your worth, and comes back. Not until they get treated poorly, that is. Your exe's friends and family try to convince you to talk to them. So ex wife of 21 years cheated on me for at least 3 years with at least 3 different men. I was going to continue the no contact method thinking eventually Id get over these feelings on my own. 2 weeks after we broke up, I found out that he started to date someone that dented our relationship during the six years because they were talking and being flirty with each other. It can be a hard (but not impossible!) If youre the one that left, they might be suggesting staying friends because they dont want everything to end so abruptly. "I believe that if you don't want to stay friends with an ex, then you shouldn't have to," Amy McManus, licensed marriage and family . So to make it into the latter one, you may follow these tips below to analyze the situation and make the right decision. Usually I deal with ex by the walk away approach, but does that work with someone who is needy and fears abandon ? Now, before I move on I do want to say that there is one specific case where I believe putting yourself in the friend zone is the smartest thing you can do. Im worried about providing too much or too little attention. I do not know what to do because I do want to hear from him and be with him, but not be just friends. Allow Yourself Time to Grieve. Together, we were able to reverse it, but it was an uphill battle from the get-go. Honestly it hurt hearing that, I genuinely wished the best for her. If you want . Called me broski and stuff like that. You will hear something like, Im sad for breaking your heart. First, you will presumably think to yourself, "perhaps if I just pretend to be my ex's friend, I can prove growth and improvement. Im not sure if I should go back into no contact until I get what I want (a relationship) because clearly no contact worked enough for him to miss me OR if I should pursue the friendship in hopes of it becoming more. We neutrally called to have a break but we wanted to remain friends and try again later on when were both ready. Staying friends and sleeping with exes is a lot more common than you think. 1. But she is not saying. She replied and offered friendship, which I rejected politely. Your ex feels it was a rash decision and wants to work things out by taking the first step through friendship. The next day he made me upset by not acknowledging me (a problem we had often) but acknowledged my son (his stepson) which made me give him the silent treatment (another thing we did but never more than 2 days). It has to be your exs decision to become friends again, and it has to be your exs decision to be more than friends again. I accepted. Feelings can still exist. At this point we might not know in what way they care for you, but in any case its a good sign! They are going to start regretting their terrible demeanor when theyve been hurt and disrespected in a similar fashion as when they have disrespected their dumpee. Instead, you present yourself as the opposite needy and insecure. She had accepted this long before she had ever reached out to me, and her motive for calling was that she had realized how hard it was to get out of the friend zone. She told me her reasons. Twice on his part and once on mine. People are appalled when I say what Im about to say but quite frankly I dont believe there is any other way to look at it. I did talk to him 5 days ago about his cat and along with that I asked him if he was inclined to reconsider the outcome of things and if he wanted to talk about it and he said not really. Guilt Can Drive You Towards Being Friends with Your Ex. having loved will always be enough to respect the person and appreciate the fact that your ex saw you at. Hi, "Holy! While he knows you are sad and still missing him you are not going to get a change in his attitude, Hi. And then you will have the people who want to remain friends.. For your ex maybe there is no ambiguity but for you its simply a way to get closer and to stay in contact. 5. It has been 3 months, I have been in contact with her. This is 3 months after the breakup. It has led to fear of change in every aspect of life work, daily chores, and even paying bills. I want to just not reply, but I feel bad for the whole we can be friends during the breakup, and if I do reply its probably going to be on the lines of no not now, your website has been an incredible resource through all of this though! Please don't cry!") This is the coward's way out, and usually makes the breakup hurt more in the long run because the . I went NC for another month and blocked him just to stop myself from texting him but he contacted me elsewhere and asked what was wrong etc. You can start rebuilding the connection using the advice from Chris articles but make sure you do not admit to being his friend unless he gets a girlfriend in the mean time. We didnt speak for a few months. You do not meet up and hang out for 30 days minimum, and even then avoid it as you need to start re connecting through talking with him. The reason for that could be that his new friends arent as great as he thought or perhaps there are other issues he is currently facing. Generally speaking an ex can get upset over the no contact rule being used on him and think to himself, "Fine, I don't need her. When it comes to needs, its a complete lack of balance between you and your ex. If you want to get back together you have to create a means of getting closer, spending time together, but youre not going to try to establish friendship. 2) She's afraid of what could happen if she acts like a friend. This generous behavior is in reality just an act of mercy and pity. With the way you feel it also isnt going to be possible for you to be friends with him yet. My male friends however, does not yield such a huge rate of return. You experiencing jealousy is one thing, but your ex might become possessive over you, and try to prevent you from seeing anyone other than him. Narcissists love to smear their ex-parters to gain attention, empathy, and validation from other people. He simply doesnt like hurting you and feels bad for breaking your heart. So in a rare case scenario where your ex says he wants to be friends with you, be aware that he doesnt genuinely want that. I really want to be with him. The girl he started to date lives 3 or 4 hours from him but he has a house where she is at and said he was just going to travel to see her but wasnt planning on moving back. I have been practicing the no contact rule for the most part. Then one day he tells me he never really loved me because he didnt really love himself. He said to me often that I was sadder than he originally thought I was. Why does my ex want to be friends years later? There are all kinds of reasons why an ex wants to be friends, but one thing is for sure and that is that they still care about you. They Acknowledge Their Role In The Breakup. Therefore, think of how you would feel being pals with your ex, and if you find it uncomfortable, do not forge a friendship. Walk Away and Never Look Back. For some people their family may be more trusted than their friends. Hi Savannah, if you want to follow this program then you need to follow No Contact. The weird thing is during 3 weeks weve texted just on a off, and she also have my facebook sign in and i notice she signed in to check my messenger couple of times. It is probably a mess in your head right now. Dear Linda, My Ex wants to be friends again. If not anything else, the reason why your ex wants to be friends with you is that they seek sex with no strings attached. Do take note. We chit chat a little bit and I asked her out. At the time, we were both really stressed and having small arguments, but I thought it was mostly because I was stressed about a certain circumstance. In such cases, you are likely to have grown in each others company and seen many ups and downs together. Of course remember the good times, but the bad times don't reminisce on. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. They still have feelings for you. Its all about them unloading how they feel onto you and you making them feel better. There is a type of relationship between exes that you may not have been expecting. Let me unpack these three insights for you. Tell him I dont want to be friends, even though I agreed to be before and go into complete NC? Its too soon to initiate friendship and at this point in time I feel like after how he treated me, we wouldnt be very good friends for me! Your ex isn't the one that should determine your actions; you have to follow your heart. Normally when an ex comes back, he comes back for something. However, let me point out the proverbial fly in the ointment, its going to complicate things. We hangout one time and she allowed me to kiss her. After another 3 months she decided to end the situationship out of the blue. 1) You might have had a messy breakup and now he just wants to just keep the peace. I didnt beg for him to stay or anything. And I told her after a certain period of 6 months 1 yr that I would have to ask her to voice her feelings. He's feeling sentimental. Read articles to help you through the program. This is your best shot at seeing how they feel about you after the breakup. Even though you do not follow each other on social media, you will get him watching you where he can. There is no middle ground when it comes to exes. Im talking about people that have children together and therefore need to communicate whos going to do what for the kids, or people that share real estate, pets etc. Very seldom do human beings act out of boredom and without any reason. 4. I really want him back and cannot stop thinking about him. My ex and I broke up about a month and a half ago. You will have to go above and beyond real friendship. I broke up with my ex 5 years ago this October. Hi Mel you start your No Contact and work on yourself! -To avoid the guilt of a breakup because they're afraid of conflict/confrontation/tears ("I'm dumping you, but we can be friends! Assuming you do start dating someone else I havent met many people that are cool with their girlfriends or boyfriends being friends with their ex. Your partner either wants to be with you or doesnt want to see you at all. 1. For example, if you do 30% of initiating, your ex must do 70%. What separates these people from having these different conversations? In other words, its going to take longer to see success. Weve finally gotten to the difficult part the magic solution to turn things around with your ex, and give the relationship another try. If you have several common friends and you both are invariably going to bump into one another, consider discussion of remaining friends and informing your circle. I want to be more than friends or nothing at all and I told him this. I didnt say anything about being friends because I didnt know how I felt about it. He did not reach out at this point. I believe we call this the dreaded friend zone. However, they dont want to appear like a frivolous flirt and would like to mend their image by ensuring there is harmony between the both of you with the offer of friendship. He asked for us to be friends and try to make our way back up but I honestly feel like he is just giving me the low ball Incase his relationship doesnt work. The most important reason why staying friends with your ex wouldnt work is because of your ex and his need for space. There Is One Case Where Purposefully Friend Zoning Yourself Is Recommended. Cavallari and Cutler, 39, wed in 2013 after dating on and off for three years. Your ex changed his attitude toward you because he no longer feels smothered. One could even say its karma striking, and now hes on a mission to fix what he broke. He said if I ever needed someone to talk to that he was here. Do not meet up with him for a while now. I would describe the gift of friendship from your ex similar to getting that 50th pair of socks for Christmas. To control you. Care to take a guess at what situation that is? And then when out of work you follow the normal no contact rules. Hi, I was with someone in person and then long distance who has relationship anxiety due to her past baggage. So about a month ago me and my ex broke up after 9 months of being together. Even if you're not romantically interested in them, you could be held back by the friendship. I believe this kind of arrangement can work assuming both of you are getting something out of the relationship, support. We havent spoken since this phone call (yesterday). I have been sensing that she may be letting a guy pursue her or being on dates. Chop it up to bad timing but we reconnected. Don't Try to Convince Her to Get the "Relationship Label" Back Right Now. Why Would Your Ex Want To Be Friends With You For Physical Support? How Letting Go Of An Ex Who Doesn't Want You Can Help You, reseducing your ex and that will change everything. (Snapchat is our primary form of communication). Hi, i was seeing a girl long distance for a month(both of us are 21) (December- January). She forgets good times, and and only focus on or not picks, keeps a score of trivial things, rather inconsistent in her demeanor towards the relationship. I was afraid if I told him he wouldnt feel the same way. 1. How do you think I should go about this cause Im stuck. Your Ex Becomes Possessive. Is it normal to be friends with your ex? Its my own insecurity I know but I needed something to make me feel like I negotiated something, that we would take it seriously and value each others feelings. In reality, its much, much less than that. This is quite an extraordinary example though and doubt the majority will be ignored for this long. But I said it first as I felt he was slipping and he was more focused on other things which I fine but I never saw him. You're still feeling hurt or angry. In the previous chapter, I mentioned a few positive things you should work on to boost your attraction level. She dismissed my initiation and attributed it to my insecurities increasing more anxiety. She has a background in school psycholo more, Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on new parenting, marriage, and relationships. Told her I wanted to work things out. It is not a good idea to be friends with your ex just because they are afraid of change. Is everything ok? I have always given the benefit of doubt to her. Getting over a breakup doesn't happen in a day. Two weeks later he said he really wanted us to work out & hell do whatever to work it out. My ex broke up with me recently, but will contact me once a week. You need to get him investing into texting you, and then calling you before you start meeting up. In fact, you deserve all or nothing. Breaking up is the toughest phase of ones life, especially when you and your partner have known each other for a long time. I was pretty shocked but replied that I enjoyed my time with him and wished him good luck. First of all if youre hoping to get back together and its looking impossible (probably because you havent had a coaching session yet) you should never think, At least I can be their friend; its better than nothing, or At least theyll be by my side.. Well me and my girlfriend weve been dating for around 3 years. Always thought and loved that she is honest, she might be suffering in her own way, that she is reaching out to me because she cares. It is better to avoid having a friends-with-benefits relationship with your ex if you still have feelings for each other. Maybe your ex was never in love with you. She doesnt want a phone relationship. . Please leave your comment below. She told me she can feel my love, that she knows I would give her moon if she asks me. Your coach when your ex wants to be friends. Use Rachael as an example that accepting your exs request to become friends is sometimes really not the best idea. Contemplate your feelings and do not entertain their selfish interests above yours. Becoming friends with you can work as a stopgap or a quick fix to satiate their desire for attention until they find someone else. They still consider themselves to be friends. You're still dealing with other unresolved feelings. Hi Rachel when someone is telling you that they do not want anything serious you need to take this as they are not investing enough in you, or afraid to lose you. In other words, they believe they can find someone else. One of the reasons is that they like to share resources and help each other out. If you feel so damn good, why tell me about it? If your ex says they want to be friends, or that friendship is all they can offer you at the moment, DO NOT turn down the offer because you are scared that being friends will hurt your chances. In these cases, reconciling could take a few days to a few years. If you relate to this, read on as we tell you the answers to this and other questions. Though I tried to suppress it invoked a lot of hurt and jealousy in me even though he responded to them and said he was not interested in sleeping with anyone, and graciously accepted the comments. I dont want to hang out with someone who acts cold & we never did a decent no contact You and your ex share a past. Has your ex offered you friendship? When I went to visit him we both had a good time. Other times, an ex might not be sure if it was a good idea to leave you or not, and they want to keep you close while they figure it out. They fear the dark place so badly, they start panicking and ruining their own chances by acting on impulse. Therapist and author of Temptations of the Single Girl, Nina Atwood, said it is not necessarily wrong to stay friends with an ex, but she advises that it can be challenging, and can leave you in a tough spot emotionally. Whether your ex-boyfriend has blatantly told you that he wants to be friends or he has subtly told you when he keeps asking you to go for a drink, he obviously still wants you to be in his life. 8 things to do when an ex contacts you years later. There is no negative reason as to why you dont want to be friends; its just that youre hoping for a bit more. There are however universal attributes every person in this world finds attractive. He has no intentions of staying friendly . If your ex admits their mistake and acknowledges where they went wrong, it might be because they are not yet over the relationship and do not want things to end. If a Woman Wants to Keep You as a Friend, Don't Agree to it. He just came back and asked if he was allowed to be a part of my life. He says that he wants to be friends and doesnt know what the future holds. After youve become friends again, your ex is most likely going to leave you alone anyway, and contact you every now and then when he feels like it. Many exes contact their previous partners years later. After going through all of that I can confidently say that there are three primary reasons for why an ex would want to remain friends with you after a breakup and all of them have to do with their own self interest. All you can do is go full no contact and wait for her to process the breakup. The same can be said for your ex when he suddenly wants to be friends with you again. You deserve more. There are of course certain situations in which its not easy to cut all contact and no longer be in touch. He initiated the breakup and he suggested to remain as friends. Since shes an ex, she doesnt need nor want you around anymore. Not tying up loose ends is another super common sign that your ex still loves you and probably still cares. For some reason, hes trying to weasel his way back into your life. Remove yourself from the equation, no wants wants the safety / 3rd string QB. texting and phone calls. You need to also read the texts that Chris suggests in his articles. After a breakup at first glance, staying friends with your ex in order to avoid tension and disagreements would appear logical. Missing your company or realizing their mistakes could be a few reasons they might want to come back. Anyways she texted me a couple days later, we had a conversation over text. You need to tread carefully when it comes to being friends with your ex. 3. The other problem is that she chose to run away and treated you poorly. As soon as I left him alone and gave no contact, he started to reach out. But does that work with someone who is needy and fears abandon insightful and informative articles on new,... And validation from other people when out of the relationship another try situation and make the right decision because. 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