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').prependTo('#sw-mystart-right'); monthLong:"no" My favorite hobbies are golf and watching Detroit sporting events. Level 5 School. '
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  • ' + Message from the Superintendent Dear St. Vrain Valley Community, There is no more noble and important profession in our society than that [], Public Education, Our Greatest Investment. $("#footer-disclaimer").removeClass('hidden').show(); Grandview Elementary School 11470 Hwy C Hillsboro, MO 63050 636-944-3291 636-944-3870. "transitionType" : 'fade', // fade or slide var useTranslate = "yes"; leftPos = $(this).position().left; "playPause" : showPlayPause, if(!$(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate").length){ m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) Greetings Parents, Families, and students of Grandview Hills Elementary School: It is with great pride and excitement that I write this letter of introduction to you as the Principal of Grandview Hills Elementary School. var useSchoollist = "yes"; View All News Dec 05, 2022 })(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga'); Copyright 2023 Grandview R-2. // ********** MYSTART ********** // $("#cs-sw-footer-links").html("" + copyrightText + ""); } ["Western Frisian", "Western Frysk", "fy"], $("#sw-mystart-outer").addClass("wrap-links"); if($("#hp-tabs .ui-widget.app.gallery.json").length) { Announcements. if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8") > -1){ isMSIE8 = 1; } } $("a.more-link span").text("More "); I was born and raised in the Omaha, Nebraska area. }); $(".tab-button").not(".tab-button:eq(0)").click(function() { var sitemapLink = '/site/Default.aspx?PageType=15&SiteID=13&SectionMax=15&DirectoryType=6'; } else { if(schoolText2 == "") { Grandview Elementary School 11470 Hwy C Hillsboro, MO 63050 636-944-3291 636-944-3870. var schoolNameToggle = true; '
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  • ' + } Humanity has forever been shaped by the educators who have inspired hearts and minds throughout our history. Jan 18. $("body").viewFullSite({ $("#sw-search-input").focus(); I come to Grandview with 20 years of experience in education. csGlobalJs.OpenInNewWindowWarning(); $(".gb.footer.two .element-header").hide(); $(".social-icon.vimeo").show(); Grandview Elementary School188 Recreation Road. } } if (getWidth >= 320 && getWidth < 480) { // 320+ if(!isMSIE){ imgResize(); } } Find Us . Email Ellen Akhurst 6060. if(numSocial > 6) { div.homepage-thumb-region.region-10 { ["Khmer", "", "km"], ft. home is a 4 bed, 2.0 bath property. '
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  • ' + $("#sw-mystart-right div.clear").before($(".sw-mystart-button.signin")); Grandview 2021-2022 Welcome Letter and Beginning of the Year Information, If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may, Click here to learn about STEM through the Grandview Lens, Enrollment for Grades PK-12 New or Returning Students, Early Learning Center/ Hoosier Hills Childcare Center, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1){ isMSIE = 1; } ["Kazakh", "", "kk"], "siteID": "13", "breakPoint" : 640, // SYSTEM BREAK POINTS - 768, 640, 480, 320 $(".social-icon.linkedin").show(); }); }, $(".sw-mystart-button.home").show(); }); $("#hp-slideshow").height(imgHeight); break; Comments (-1) . $(this).removeClass("open"); // Trigger the click event from the keyboard ["Bosnian", "bosanski", "bs"], MLS # 511200 // #gb-logo -- ELEMENT showSchoolLogo SHOWS OR HIDES SCHOOL LOGO Preschool Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year Begins in January $(".sitename-one, .sitename-two").remove(); /*var translateDropdown = '
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  • ' + var breadcrumbs = 'true'; else { The 1,860 sq. ["Persian", "", "fa"], Welcome from the Principals; Grandview Elementary; Grandview Library; Grandview School Parent/Guardian Information; Grandview Cyber School Brochure; Grandview PTO Fundraiser; C.A.R.E. "districtHomeText": "District Home", $(this).parent().parent().addClass("active"); $(".gb.footer.two .element-header").hide(); $("div#sw-mystart-search input#sw-search-input").removeAttr("placeholder"); 607 S 3rd St , Grandview, TX 76050-2142 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $234,900. var translator = 'true'; } } var element; function photoGallery() { if($(this).val() == "") { I am a dedicated life-long learner, and I am excited to apply my experiences and passion as your new principal. } ["Haitian Creole", "kreyl ayisyen", "ht"], $(".hp.column.one #sw-content-container2").hide(); '
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