Its a transition that is happening whether fossil-fuel-supporting politicians like it or not. Let me know about any questions. Deleted user. "There is no comments" is not correct in any situation where comments is the plural of comment. There is no news, however, is correct because there is no singular version of news. "because there is no singular version of news.". Youll find accessible, straightforward information on popular topics, Q&As, interviews, case studies, and more. : Absolutely. He also said he'd require an apology for Meghan if he were to return to the royal fold. In the face of multiple smears, indiscretions and provocations, Charles betrayed one of his cardinal weaknesses: a constitutional unwillingness to confront personal problems head-on. ", @IchigoKeki he's not wrong, just need to say questions plural. It will be at the discretion of school leaders as to how many pupils they can provide for depending on the numbers of staff available. They talked across the table. These memories were shared with ghostwriter J.R. Moehringeronly for context, and did not make the final cut. on Nov. 2 at the think tank funded by University of Pennsylvania. Any questions? Education Secretary Gillian Keegan held a constructive meeting with union leaders on Monday, 9 January. The revelation that may well have given them most pause was Harrys claim that he had junked half the final manuscript because of its length the clear implication being that another 400 pages of embarrassing revelations and vitriolic accusations could be published in the near future. Let me know if I can help. Please advise should you have any clarifications. For example, lessons might be taught by other members of staff or classes might be brought together. In most cases, saying No comment to a reporters question is a bad move. There are exceptions, though. For example, when a PR pro, a company executive or celebrity is asked to comment about something she has not seen. "What do you think of what John Johnson says about you in his new, tell-all book?" It shows other people that youre approachable and willing to answer any questions they might have. Is this sentencecorrect? Publisher Penguin Random House says Spare is already a record breaker. WebThe sheriff's department says investigations are pending and no further comment will be made. If youre worried you might have missed something, it could be good to reiterate with a question like this. Please dont hesitate to ask for help. How to respond to "I hope you are doing well"? WebShould there be any issues or if you need clarification, please contact me. The changes were made on October 24, 2022 to the, For more information about the change, see, Think Im kidding about how they game the trials? Alarming new findings in a recently published study suggest that more than 12% of childhood asthma cases in the United States can be attributed to the use of gas stoves and that they pose a similar risk to children as being exposed to secondhand smoke. Is there anything else I need to cover? The embattled King knows he has good reason to fear his son. The recent eruption of faux outrage over a nonexistent gas stove ban should be understood as the latest outgrowth of a decades-long disinformation campaign by the fossil fuel industry whose business model is threatened by the transition to all-electric homes powered by renewable energy. It's going to take flexibility on all sides, but it can be done. 'I think Harry has no other option for his own profit and Meghan's profit to continue these allegations into infinity. Ill let you know if I think of anything else, but I think we can end the meeting here unless you can think of anything. Harry said he knew that including any details about intimate moments with his family would attract backlash, but ultimately decided he could not truthfully tell his story without them. Get yourself a copy of. It only takes a minute to sign up. Correct, but "question" should be "questions". The King's coronation will take place on Saturday, May 6. If you need more, let me know is a good informal approach you can take. Leaving the daily standard at the same level set 16 years ago would give Americans the false impression that the air they are breathing is safe. #2. should be: Not a high-level journal in my field. Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers. I konw Americans in general suffer from inflation. Gas stoves pollute the air inside peoples homes and contribute to the overheating of the planet. If schools need to restrict attendance, we have asked that those schools prioritise vulnerable children, children of critical workers and pupils who are due to take public examinations (like GCSEs) and other formal assessments. ', Charles reveals to friends he wants to shy away from a bitter battle with Harry: The King knows better than anyone the Duke of Sussex has barely scratched the surface about his marriage to Diana and that he has reason to fear his son, writes TOM BOWER. Mr Bower told Good Morning Britain: 'There's no compromise with the Sussexes. It was written in stone..the Georgia guide stones. A definition of vulnerable children and critical workers can be found at Annex B of guidance for Emergency planning and response for education, childcare and childrens social care settings. The reason for that is simple: it would make it crystal clear that the vaccines are unsafe. Anecdotally, cardiologists only started to notice the damage post-vaccine. Perhaps everything but the recommendation to reject fell into these categories. But it is clear that they are harmful sources of indoor air pollution and should be phased out. there you are, I knew that would happen! is it correct to say Highly rated induction ranges can be purchased for around $1,200 or less and offer superior performance and efficiency. .css-1bt0omd{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;}Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Web1. He claimed that 'if people had listened' to his concerns earlier, the gulf between he and Meghan and the rest of the royals would not have grown so wide. For the Cambridges have borne the brunt of the Sussexes attacks. Not just a few pilots. about turn no further comment Posted on Monday 20 February 2012 One of the most admirable traits in another person is humility. I submitted a paper to a journal, after 2 months and some days of review I get a rejection with a referee report "I find the paper not suitable for the journal", without any further comments and without explaining the reason of the rejection. Double-sided tape maybe? Enjoy the auto-translate feature when searching for answers. Why is 51.8 inclination standard for Soyuz? Just ask me! No announcements yet, but once things become more concrete, we will share more. Please note that for media enquiries, journalists should call our central Newsdesk on 020 7783 8300. If large numbers of staff strike, schools may need to restrict attendance for some pupils. The accept/reject decision is made by the editor, based on the recommendations of the referee(s). What's the point of telling a lie only to save face? Write to the editor. Tom Bower, who wrote an unauthorised biography of the Duchess of Sussex, suggested it would be naive for King Charles and Prince William to seek a 'peace summit' with the Sussexes and urged them to issue a statement rebutting the couple's claims instead. Get yourself a copy of Turtles All the Way Down and just read the first chapter. Mr. Niam said his group could make no further comments until after the hearing on Monday. Stoves account for only a small percentage of household gas use but have become cultural symbols that gas companies and their supporters have manufactured through greenwashing campaigns designed to prolong their use and slow action to protect public health and the climate. For the meaning that applies in the present case this word is both countable and uncountable. How could I react to it? Mr Bower said the Sussexes had caused 'colossal' damage to the monarchy and 'now is the time' to make a statement'. Young lives are dying in sports, in their sleep, or just going to class. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Do you have any questions? Please note that for media enquiries, journalists This brouhaha, by shedding more light on the risks of cooking with gas, could hasten our countrys move to cleaner, more efficient technology. I should have all the answers ready to give to you. Solution 1 Submit somewhere else. The King and his advisers, William knows, are treading a dangerous path. You could even complain to the editor-in-chief that you don't think the editor is giving due consideration to the papers they handle (though this if the editor-in-chief agrees that the paper is self-evidently unsuitable, this will only annoy them). is this correct?? Prince Harry slapped one of his own security guards nicknamed 'Billy the Rock' after a night of heavy drinking, a constitutional unwillingness to confront personal problems head-on, Harrys claim that he had junked half the final manuscript, Please boys, dont make my final years a misery., Peace talks planned for Prince Harry and royal family before coronation | News | The Sunday Times. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Does this sentence sound nat Look close If youre hitting the very last LZfree ride out. Do you have any questions, though? Its going to explain why I was unable to find even a single nursing home where the all-cause mortality dropped after the vaccines rolled out. Which is why the Cambridges have good reason to suspect the genuineness of Harrys desire for reconciliation. If theres anything else that youd like to know, Im here to listen. Im all for PVP in the game as thats what its for buuuut I truly hate teams that roll in to try and wipe everyone at the last exfil. and just read the first chapter. Uh oh. near there, from there. We follow a systematic approach to the process of learning, examining and certifying. It is now: .12 to .3 and potentially even higher. @Silldo You did not actually answer the question that I asked. P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445. The vaccine creates far more injury to the heart than COVID (, per this large-scale Israeli study of 196,992, I know from a study of 177 people in Puerto Rico (97% of whom were vaccinated) ages 8 to 84, that, There was a study done on pilots. But kids are indestructible so a 30% injury rate in kids translates into a higher rate for adults. This will be the highest real terms spending on schools in history totalling 58.8 billion by 2024-25. Dont fear L.As gas appliance ban. And you arent allowed to do that. If you have some or think of any, just pop into my office to ask me more about them. The only thing you can do is respectfully contact the editor asking for clarification. 22 Mar 2016. Maybe the editor trusts the referee's judgment so implicitly that they didn't feel the need to ask for any explanation. There have been conflicting messages as to whether the Sussexes can expect an invite to the ceremony. If you are not the correct person, please direct me the correct one. However the journal publish articles in the topic of my paper! But they're not right and haven't been wronged. The editor cannot find a referee to my paper after one year. should be: No, my paper is a good one. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. And so it came as no surprise to read yesterdays newspaper account of proposals for a mooted peace summit, with Palace sources quoted as saying that the King might ignore Harrys treachery and deceit over the past week and seek reconciliation by admitting his errors. The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the languages they're interested in. You can either see me in person or email me about it. It could be that your findings are solid, but there are so many grammatical errors that some reviewers thought the work was unfit for publication. Called targeting on the field. Its eye opening. Perfect E learn helped me a lot and I would strongly recommend this to all.. Im pretty sure they wont tell me, so Ill speculate: its because they didnt want anyone to know. Ill let you know if theres anything else. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. They can make changes every month. Any of these are okay: "Please let me know should you have any further questions." Grade 10 and 12 level courses are offered by NIOS, Indian National Education Board established in 1989 by the Ministry of Education (MHRD), India. Teachers will see pay rises of 5 to 8.9%, with new teachers receiving the highest uplift. In Spanish we say "est muy verde" (as if it was an immature fruit). WebThere is a lot more uncertainty about him than there was at this time last year, but at least during the 2023 offseason there will be no quarterback controversy in New England. It asks people whether theres anything theyd like to run through with you before you decide to end the topic. It garnered little attention until last week, when it exploded into a national news story and social media controversy. Show your appreciation in a way that likes and stamps can't. On 16 January the National Education Union (NEU), one of the trade unions representing the teaching profession, announced its intention to strike. Editorial: No, the feds aren't coming for your gas stove. tuition and home schooling, secondary and senior secondary level, i.e. I strongly successful learners are eligible for higher studies and to attempt competitive 5. Some 74% of California households with children cook with gas, much higher than the national average of 43%, according to researchers. Because that is how science works in America today: its unethical to design a study that might expose that the COVID vaccines that they forced us to take cause harm. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Why? Its eye opening. The silence is breaking my heart. Royals want face-to-face peace talks between William and Now even Harry and Meghan's Netflix expert slams couple for the Duke of Sussex told Tom Bradby that 'a lot can happen between now and then' when asked if he will go to see his father crowned in May. At a recent private dinner for friends hosted by Charles and Camilla at Clarence House, the Kings guests were taken aback by his obvious reluctance to confront his son Harry over his disloyalty. Any questions? Referee recommends paper rejection with no further comment - how to react? 4. GOP politicians seized on the remarks, accusing President Biden and the Democrats of trying to take away peoples gas stoves. Covered In vs. That is why there are no before/after studies in the US. Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? He told Good Morning Britain:'There's no compromise with the Sussexes. But at home, Ive struggled to talk about it with my own daughters. a an expression used when handing a person something requested or desired. HiNative can help you find that answer you're looking for. However, any questions? is one of the most popular questions asked in business English. "what's this photo Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. Passive Voice. You don't mention any co-author, so I assume you wrote the paper yourself. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX What does John wears Joseph's coat. Ummm not really. Im here to answer any questions you may have. test, which makes it an ideal choice for Indians residing If you think of any questions, come and find me! Publisher Penguin Random House says Spare is already a record breaker. Do peer-reviewers ignore details in complicated mathematical computations and theorems? Although I have never done it, the best option for a reviewer that suspect that it is the case, is to reject without many details (to the authors), but writing his/her concerns to the Editor. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Is that everything you need? As an environmental reporter, I write about how climate change is hurting people and the planet. The Los Angeles Times editorial board determines the positions of The Times as an institution. Archbishop of CanterburyJustin Welby said: 'There is always a way forward. But Charles should be aware that he could jeopardise his status and popularity with the British people if he caves in to the demands of the Sussexes. Wall shelves, hooks, other wall-mounted things, without drilling? By sending a gift to someone, they will be more likely to answer your questions again! Talk of reconciliation is a mirage. The accept/reject decision is made by the editor, based on the recommendations of the referee (s). But it is clear that they are harmful sources of indoor air pollution and should be phased out. The New York Times. But in any case, whether this decision was made well or poorly, I don't think there is anything you could say that would be likely to change the editor's mind. Does this sound natural? Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, Disgraced GOP congressman George Santos is accused of using his animal nonprofit to steal $3,000 raised for homeless disabled vet's cancer-stricken dog, which then died in agony, Woman, 26, wins $180,000 payout from Minnesota hospital that 'fired' her for being DEAF, after bosses said COVID masking rules meant she wouldn't be able to lip-read, Jay Briscoe dies at 38: Ring of Honor professional wrestler is killed and his young daughter is in 'critical condition' after car crash as he 'drove home from cheerleading competition', Why sex on the first date is a good idea: Relationship expert slams 'old fashioned' mentality and urges singles to get it on right away, Porn star Ron Jeremy, 69, is ruled unfit to stand trial on 34 sex assault charges including 12 counts of rape involving 21 women after he is found 'mentally incompetent': He faced 300 years in jail if found guilty, Polar bear kills woman and boy in remote Alaskan village when it entered a village and started chasing people before resident shot and killed it, Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger is accused of messaging female victim on Instagram weeks before killings - and 'pestered her with more DMs when he didn't get a reply', Fresh hope for anti-ageing drug as lifespans could be lengthened with technique used to extend the longevity of mice, Scientist: The nine 'superfoods' to know about in 2023 - from an ancient grain you've likely never heard of to the 'health drink of the year', Are you kidding, Karine? develop their business skills and accelerate their career program. suppose to be?" After all, you took the vaccine of your own free will. Find the answer you're looking for from 45 million answers logged! Here is the change log where you can see the change listed (see page 4): Here is what the policy was before the change. Schools will decide on prioritisation of pupils depending on staff availability and will communicate this to parents. .css-1hd8eav{display:inline-block;position:absolute;text-align:center;left:0;top:0;color:#e0edff;padding:8px;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;font-size:1.953125em;}.css-jl56i3{box-sizing:border-box;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;max-width:100%;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;pointer-events:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;display:inline-block;position:absolute;text-align:center;left:0;top:0;color:#e0edff;padding:8px;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;font-size:1.953125em;}.css-jl56i3 svg,.css-jl56i3 path{pointer-events:none;} Is that a correct sentence? Thats the obstacle to Charless peace-making endeavours. By contrast, in the private sector 48% of employees receive an employer contribution of less than 4%. 1 The New York Times This reviewing-revising iterative process was terminated Could you help me with the English of my paper? The Guardian - Sport. Harry and Meghan will settle for nothing less than total capitulation and victory. Think Im kidding about how they game the trials? If anything comes to mind. ", Is it correct? For example, if youre presenting something to a superior, you might have missed vital information. Even though we cant do a before/after study in the US, they did such. Let me know about any questions. In fact, half of his first draft ended up on the cutting room floor, because he feared revealing its contents would mean he'd passed the point of no return with both his brother and father. Three days after the explosion, President Vladimir V. Putin had made no further comment after oblique remarks on Friday. How about you? They score significantly higher than gas-fueled models in Consumer Reports ratings, leading that organization to proclaim they are so good you may not miss your gas appliance.. The fact is that William can sense his fathers temptation to surrender. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Editorial: Dont fear L.A.s ban on gas stoves. I dont want you to be confused about the expectations here. We have a big pipeline of new projects, and we expect some will be ready for the second half of the year. In Inner London the starting salary is more; at least 34,500. Maybe the editor felt that the unsuitability was self-evident upon inspection. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing. WebThere should be an unspoken rule. Why? That would be extremely problematic; commercial aviation in the US would be severely disrupted. It will be published in The Epoch Times later this week. The one learning a language! NPQs are designed by education experts to build classroom expertise or develop leadership confidence and are flexible to fit around teachers personal and professional responsibilities. The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots. This narrative is going to start falling apart at an accelerated rate. The OP does not seem to write that their paper was written in English. Im sure most of it has been covered, but Im here to help, nonetheless. Your details from Facebook will be used to provide you with tailored content, marketing and ads in line with our Privacy Policy. Had a great experience here. That test is the gold-standard for cardiac injury. WebMany translated example sentences containing "there are no further comments" French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. In the interests of the monarchy, William and Charles have been only recently reconciled. The NEU trade union has taken this step after the government announced a record funding increase for schools in the Autumn Statement. Their days should be numbered, even if no federal gas stove ban is imminent. @zkb10347b - There you go. is this correct? * I Thats a lot of people who will be very upset when they realize the vaccine they took to reduce their chance of dying from COVID actually worked in reverse making it: Be hospitalized from COVID and other diseases. Youll find accessible, straightforward information on popular topics, Q&As, interviews, case studies, and more. Will communicate this to parents n't feel the need to ask for explanation... The accept/reject decision is made by the editor trusts the referee ( s ) of any, pop! They 're interested in topics, Q & as, interviews, case studies, and more he also he... Hitting the very last LZfree should there be no further comments out start falling apart at an accelerated rate all, you might have vital... 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Shula's Steakhouse Birthday Club, Zephaniah 3:17 The Passion Translation, Sea Shell Calamity, Articles S