Currently only 2, 22 LR versions are listed on Taurus' website, but 3 guns and .22 WMR versions are starting to pop up for sale online. In this particular case, the gun had a huge amount of oil inside the cylinder. After that, lightly press the cylinder stop to back it up out of the frame. This makes for a rigid lockup. Looking further at the Defender 856 we find some of the same features as the snubnose 856, including a smooth DA/SA trigger action. The Taurus 856 is a reliable 6-shot, 38 Special revolver that features soft rubber grips-making it comfortable to shoot at the range while the double/single action increases speed and accuracy for follow-up shots. A forum community dedicated to Taurus firearm owners and enthusiasts. The, The Ruger LC9 pistol is not a particularly attractive handgun. and Ruger GP100x4 barrel, also 3 semi-autos. The cylinder is 1.4 inches wide versus 1.3 inches for the five-shot version. It's been an excellent pistol! The Taurus 856 model is a lightweight, easy-to-conceal handgun. Growing up, John loved learning about the components of firearms and what makes them work, which still intrigues him to this day. It, What Should Your Pick Be Between Glock 44 and 19? Taurus Defender 856 is a J-frame style revolver, which is to say that it has a short frame and a cylinder that holds five rounds of .38 Special ammunition. Teach a Liberal to think for themselves and they'll vote Conservative. I like wheelguns. That "boost in capacity" can be viewed as "only one more round" but when you started with 5 in the previous generation, it makes a . Enjoy your Taurus, and pray you never have to send it for repair. This handgun is well worth its modest price. The most common culprit is a faulty lock spring. Dont try this at home, Im what you might call a. Paul Harrellesque disclaimers and provisos: Im only talking about what works for me. Twitter. Its good to have a reliable revolver and this one has proven to be both reliable and easy to shoot. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 3 in. I once handled a revolver that had been in storage for a long time. The barrel can become rotated to either side causing the front sight to be a little tilted. There are a few variations of the 856 revolvers. If we compare the Taurus 856 Defender to a four-inch barrel Tracker it isnt as accurate. The most common Taurus 856 problems include ceasing cylinder, cocked front sight, light primer strikes, jammed cylinder stop, thumb press jamming, and poor durability. I shot the revolver primarily with the Winchesters 158 grain SWC target load. For every one bad review on Taurus I read hundreds of good ones. Ive tried this many times, and have never found anyone that can actually keep the cylinder from turning while struggling with a small revolver. More like 25. But it is quite accurate and reliable. 38 Special +p that's not a bad weigh with a 6 shot capacity vs a 25 ounce 5 shot Ruger SP101 in .38 Special. I shoot them very accurately. I do like the 3 ones, but they are a different animal, like you said. The cylinder lock spring is typically to blame for the issue. It uses an ambidextrous design, suitable for left and right-handed shooters, and comes in various attractive finishes. Ah, both are very interesting points. Ejection is consistent and easy, thanks to the deep plunger. While exploring the market for popular compact, concealable alternatives to the Taurus 856, you will find SIG and Smith & Wesson models are terrific options. Hell, in the time it would take me to get my pant leg up over my boot and high enough to draw my assailant could mill and assemble an 80% AR to shoot me with. Among those, the Taurus 856 Ultra Lite is quite popular. My Ruger GP100 is an older 6 shot with a 4 barrel but its beefy. When using a single. Change the hammer spring, plate, and hammer strut. I estimate the double action trigger at 12 pounds. Reactions Thats right, a tritium night sight on a revolver selling for less than four hundred dollars. I realize Taurus has made significant progress in the last 30 years so anyone with trigger time on this specific model? I guess a good semi-auto shotgun is a better answer to the problem. Both . I already got the 856CH (bobbed jammer, 2 bbl) and Im still a bit surprised how much I like it. This is a revolver that will also serve well as a home defense handgun. The gun IS NOT +P Capable! The Taurus Defender 856 was conceived to combat those tendencies. Nice looking wheel gun. They can replace the mentioned parts. The Taurus 85 also generally rekindled an interest in snubby revolvers in general. The double-action trigger pulling weight is more than it should be. Fire 3 or 4 roundscylinder binds hard against the forcing cone. These loads strike high. Although the model is more dependable than the matte black one, it tends to dust buildup. However, Ive scoured the web and found numerous positive reviews for this snub-nosed six-shot as well. The basic 856 is the Taurus evolution of the double-action (DA) revolver that it has been . The Taurus 856 is a semi-automatic revolver that was first introduced in 2019. I own and use several types. It performs much better at the range than does the j frame. This can be a common problem with first-run Taurus 856 models, as the stop may become binding due to wear and tear. Groups dont save lives. The good news is that this is a relatively easy fix, as outlined below.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'americangunfacts_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',165,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-americangunfacts_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'americangunfacts_com-leader-2','ezslot_12',165,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-americangunfacts_com-leader-2-0_1');.leader-2-multi-165{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}, Another potential cause of this problem is dirty or damaged ammunition. The Ruger Sp101 in 2.25 inch gives a bit more than the 1 7/8-2 inch revolvers. There are a Taurus recall forum and a Taurus recall website though, from which you can get the latest update on the Taurus recall status. New 2018 Taurus 856 Broken! I am the nicest guy on earth, Just ask me. Inside the frame, the cylinder stop becomes jammed down. This problem can cause the gun to misfire or fail to fire altogether. I have three of the Taurus 856s. Active rebates (6) Smith . I guess too much movement is better but either way send it back. No experience with Taurus, but appears to be the same concept as my S&W 3 HB round butt 65s. The cylinder freely spins while closed in the frame. If was only going to purchase one firearm for everything, I can see where this revolver with a three-inch barrel would be a strong contender. Taurus 856 6 Shot 38 Special Budget Revolver: Best Budget Concealed Carry Revolver? 97 . The 38-y-o son has an older Taurus 686 with a 6 barrel. The 856 is an updated version of the popular Taurus 85 revolver and features a number of improvements over its predecessor. I wore an ankle rig comfortably for weeks til some ladies at the country club complained. That got my attention. If you love to wear action movies and games outfits so must check the top 5 superb Cosplay Jackets which gives you a killer and stunning look on this cosplay festival. You have entered an incorrect email address! Donald Trump Looks Unstoppable for 2024 According to Poll, Donald Trump Just Made His Biggest Political Mistake Ever. Always wanted a Charter Arms Undercover .38. Revolvers are lightweight and dependable. And yet the longer barrel is not a liability at all since it is for home defense and even a revolver with a 6-inch barrel is plenty maneuverable in tight confines. ), Those are fast combat shooting results not my accuracy results sir. To gain access to this component, youll first need to take off the cylinder assembly. My old 92 Compact is still running, along with a number of other revolvers as well. You can find the stop below the guns frame hole, which you can access using a small screwdriver. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Enter the frame tube with a tiny screwdriver. The good news is that either issue can be easily fixed by a qualified gunsmith or by the company. Did the dog eat the targets. Never seen too much movement. 4 different shooters. I will probably carry it at some point, but not necessarily around town. The best way to fix this particular issue is to take the revolver to a gunsmith or qualified technician and have them take a look at it.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'americangunfacts_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',181,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-americangunfacts_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'americangunfacts_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',181,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-americangunfacts_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-181{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}, There are a couple of potential ways to fix this problem. I dont have any real experience with their revolvers, though their polymer G2/G3 series are dynamite for the money! Two of best defensive revolvers Ive ever owned and very useful general purpose handguns. He disassembled it and an internal spring had broken into several pieces. Since the 2 short ones are my nightstand guns, I feel very comfortable not worrying about safeties when in panic mode, just grab, point and shoot. Replace, clean, and lubricate the cylinder lock spring. It is easy to carry but still increases velocity and accuracy a bit. Inspect each part for wear or damage and replace any worn or damaged parts. Glock 19. You shouldnt attempt to resolve this problem on your own. A good general-purpose gun oil will work fine.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'americangunfacts_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_19',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-americangunfacts_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); When not in use, its important to store your Taurus 856 properly. Editorial Guidelines and Publishing Standards. I think as a whole they are doing much better than say 10 or even 5 years ago. I carry a Wiley Clapp GP-100 3. By following these simple tips, you can keep your Taurus 856 revolver in top working condition. Frame: aluminum Those rounds just sit in the cylinders at repose. Nothing revolutionary here, but this is a well proportioned and well finished revolver. I added hogue grips and ordered a Wolff spring kit, but the trigger was nice enough as-is so hadnt installed it yet. That is why users dont feel comfortable shooting the revolver. If youre looking for a lightweight self-defense revolver, Id definitely consider the 856. I dont think so because it is a handy revolver that doesnt make you break the bank. Other than that, which is not the revolvers problem Ive never had any of them jam! The manufacturing was mediocre at best lots of rough metal and markings. It is the small parts that take a beating in recoil. Buy. Im a fan of the Taurus Defender 856. That being the case, you might as well maximize the MASS of the bullet that it launches to compensate for the relatively low velocities and still get respectable bullet penetration with proper expansion. I'm in the camp to stay away from Taurus. Enter the Taurus Defender 856. The trigger is hard to control and can be frustrating. If the gun is loaded, you should proceed with caution. First and foremost, always store the revolver unloaded. Got it back in 2 weeks. There might occasionally be light priming striking concerns with the Taurus 856. That extra barrel length boosts velocity and even provides a better sight radius if you ever actually needed it (unlikely for home defense but you never know). The frustrating bit of the whole matter is that getting Taurus parts is very tough making the repairing cost higher and the waiting period longer. The 856 is offered in either a Matte Blue or Matte Stainless finish. Style and Appearance * * * * This firearm is standard with many individuals as a concealed carry item and as a self-defense weapon. Serious question for the Armed Intelligentsia: With respect to a revolver for home-defense, wouldnt it make more sense to have a 5-inch or even a 6-inch barrel? Additionally, you need to break in and lube the cylinder stop. I own two semi-automatics and seven revolvers. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Tradeoff to consider. ), is miles ahead of a J Frame. In my experience they seem to have excellent triggers. However, that doesnt mean its without faults. Even after trying the solution several times, if you do not see any improvements, it is better to seek the help of the Taurus customer care team. (Explained with Evidence!). The cadence of fire is never set by how fast you are able to press the trigger but by how quickly you are able to recover the sights and fire again. I really dont have an argument with most modern handguns. But the situation has been improving. It may be a cleaning issue. He was going over the differences between the M-4 and the non-NFA M-4. Other details include extended ejector rod and transfer bar safety. This particular 856 is stainless. Im fairly comfortable working on most guns and have a good bit of manufacturing and machining experience. Suddenly, the cylinder will spin freely as if there were no stop if the unit is faulty. Your email address will not be published. Sights: Fixed rear, front tritium night sight with orange outline Discuss anti-gun legislation. The warranty becomes effective only if activated by the original purchaser within thirty (30) days of the purchase date by registering online at: or by calling Taurus at 229-235-4020 or 800-327-3776. Gun Made has been featured in various publications such as Forbes,, American Police Beat, and countless others. Store the revolver in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight. Cylinder Ceasing: The Taurus 856 revolver's cylinder occasionally appears to become jammed. Discover free outdoor shooting areas. To clean the revolver, first remove all ammunition from the gun. The short version is, you dont want to give an overzealous prosecuting attorney any ammunition. There is a variety of options including Cerakoted and anodized black versions. The UL 856, by Taurus, is a six-shot, 2-inch barreled .38 Special that is just over 6.5 inches long and 1.41 inches wide. Sorry to report, but my Taurus 856 will not shoot double action without a failure every single time. Thats about the same as any firearm. Chat with Local gun shops, ranges, trainers & other businesses. The longer barrel also adds weight which helps reduce recoil and your time for follow-up shots. I never owned one back during the "Millennium" era. Stick an eyeglass screwdriver into the frame tube. It isnt the easiest handgun to use well and takes time and dedication to master. Check out the rest of our shop and find that perfect design. However, I have to admit that the built-in sights of this gun are not very good. Even 38 spl locked it up. I had one Charter Arms seriously unimpressed, and Im easy to please. It's the everyman's revolver, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to carry it. Inspect your ammo and give the cylinder a good cleaning to see if that does the trick. Unless you are skilled in gunsmithing, it is best to take the 856 to a qualified gunsmith or gun shop for diagnosis and repair or send your Taurus 856 back to the manufacturer. He is the eternal, everlasting revelation of God to mankind. No problems since. Among lots of issues, the most common ones are regarding its trigger and cylinder. I have several Taurus revolvers and several Smiths as well. I assume that you are referring to the very first picture of the revolver laying on a target. Much better quality then. Its one of those things that in theory is possible. -True! Jesus replaces the old covenant and speaks to the believer the moral code of God by His Spirit directly to the heart. However, despite its many improvements, the 856 still suffers from a number of common problems. It's a CCW revolver, so the bells and whistles are few. My Dad has two Taurus revolvers; one full size in .44 and a .32 H&R Magnum snubnose and neither has ever given him any issues and they both seem well made. He likes it a lot. A better beast for most uses. Wondering what's in store for you today? The 942 comes in both blue and stainless, in .22 LR and .22 WMR, and with 2- and 3-inch barrels. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. That said, it's not that big of an issue for concealment when it comes to carrying. 50%. The cost is $363, $392, and $550 depending on the model. The single action trigger was not as light as I would have liked, but consistent. The New Taurus .327 Federal Magnum Revolver. The Taurus 856 is a J frame, but a six shooter, J-frame is a S&W distinction, no other manufacturer, Sure its a J frame, not just SW owns the J Frame moniker. Besides the new customers, those who already own an 856 can benefit from this article by applying the solutions. My first purchase was a PT 24/7 in 45 acp. Emailing Taurus is a lost cause, it seems that getting a response from them via email won't work. I also fired a few 125 grain Winchester Silvertips, and a cylinder full of the Winchester 130 grain PDX. Maybe the cylinder lock bolt is unable to move freely because of machine burrs, which explains the free wheeling of the cylinder, but that doesn't explain the non rotation when the trigger is pulled. This review examines the Taurus 856 .38 Special Revolver. In Him is both the knowledge of righteousness and the power to live right. The Taurus is very controllable, more so than most any two inch barrel version I have tried, but then it should be. But let me draw a clear picture of the. There is a slash of bright orange surrounding a tritium dot in the center. You can also try replacing the hammer strut or hammer spring plate. Differences Between Glock 27 vs 26 Which One Should You Pick? Fearing that people would not believe that he was able to consistently put five shots through the same bullet hole at 15 yards, the author instead proffered the believable claim that he shot two-inch groups at 15 yards! But those who are not lucky will face the same problem after switching it back to the single-action mode. All Categories. The 2 revolvers pocket carry. The competition is fierce in the premium, The RIA 22 TCM is a superb hunting, target practice, and self-defense firearm. Concealed Hammer Ultra-Lite Viridian Red Laser Grip Defender 856 T.O.R.O. There is a lot to like about the Taurus 856 model. But for its barrel length and in its weight class, the Taurus is quite accurate. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces In addition to regular cleaning and lubrication, your Taurus 856 will also need periodic maintenance. Store. The S&W M&P is as good a conceal-carry weapon as it gets. I know this says little about the gun's inherent accuracy, but it does say a lot about its usable accuracy. Now, the internal spring may be somewhat misaligned. There are several versions including blue steel, Air Lite, and a version with VZ grips. During the range work I used the HKS speedloader. The Defender 856 revolver doesn't lock up by a detent under the barrel but rather by a detent on the crane and seems very solid. That isn't difficult to conceal at all. Discuss all aspects of firearm ownership. As a result, the cartridge wont fire when you pull the trigger on the pistol; it will just produce a clicking sound. 2020 model. MSRP: $429. A G2C 9mm, M76 .32 H&Rmag, and Mod-856 .38spl. Dealer sent it back for me, because Taurus won't do warranty work for second hand buyers. They Sent it back, and now it sits in a drawer unfixable. Brady is a passionate firearm owner from Omaha, Nebraska. Once disassembled, use a brush and some solvent to clean all of the parts. By the way, multiple ammo brands/types were tried. They designate their revolvers J K and N frame and it is easy to compare other makers by using these designations just like Python is a .41 frame and a whole lot of Commanders aint Colts, Love my Taurus wheelguns, have 4, 3 of them being Trackers(425, 627 and 692), 2 of them in 4(425 and 627) and my newest, the 692 in 3. There are pros and cons for both. But light primer strikes can also come from a defective hammer strut or hammer spring plate.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'americangunfacts_com-box-4','ezslot_2',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-americangunfacts_com-box-4-0'); The best way to fix light primer strikes is to replace the hammer spring with a new one. Thousands of rounds through it with zero malfunctions. This issue mainly occurs when you use the gun in single-action mode. 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