Smoking is harmful to the heart and lungs. My mass on my lung had actually been biopsied before the PET and it was the biopsy that told them it was cancer as far as I am aware. If she doesnt have the op do you have any idea what other treatments she could have. The op was with curative intent. This article explores the many possible reasons why a shadow might appear on a lung. However, a PET scan detects the increased metabolic activity associated with active cell growth, which can also be caused by inflammation or infection. But then I realised my groin and axillas were likely flashing up due to a long term medical condition I have completely unrelated to cancer. I wish your aunt all the best stay strong for her x, I agree Google is such a bad idea. Never smokers are those people who have never smoked or have smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime. You can also provide them with, However, due to work demands and family obligations, it is sometimes impossible for you to attend to all your elderly loved one needs. Most patients with lung cancer are smokers but we do see lung cancer in non-smokers. Is your area one of the dirtiest-air cities in the nation? Feel free to send a message online. I've been trying to find the right subreddit for this, so sorry if this is not the right place . When they said this my initial thought was oh my god I am riddled with it. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of developing fluid buildup in the lungs and other respiratory conditions. TEEN Mom star Jenelle Evans has begged fans for their prayers after confirming she has been diagnosed with mycoplasma pneumoniae. Thank you so much for sharing, has definitely put me at ease. Joanne7377 over 4 years ago. It highlighted four other areas (or hotspots as they called them) other than my lung cancer. But to me, the PET could not rule anything in or out without the further investigations and Biopsies. I always need a goal to work towards. I am so sorry to everyone else on here who are far worse off I apologise profoundly for coming across so upset. Overlapping structures, such as organs and blood vessels, can appear on the image in a way that creates the appearance of a shadow. We have very recently been given the news that our mum has lung cancer. I would however get your aunt to put herself in the best possible place to tackle whatever it is by making sure she is keeping as active as possible and eating a healthy well balanced diet. Healing home remedies for common ailments. On the x-ray they did notice a shadow on her lung. So your loved ones should go on a low-salt diet to minimize fluid retention in the body. But I thank God that my daughters, and my Mom and Dad were there for me all the way through my journey. Am so sorry to ask but I can't face reading the booklets they gave us as its bringing all my anxiety back. I am the caregiver for my Mom. Does a Pulmonary Embolism Appear on an X-Ray? Posted on May 21, 2022 by . If it is not treated she could be at risk of developing other clots and even death from large clot obstructing blood flow from the heart to the lung. I feel sick with worry. While some abnormalities may be defined structuressuch as a mass, nodule, or tumortheir appearance may not always be so well defined. This week on Tuesday my mother was rushed to the hospital with chest pains, turns out after CT, XRAY etc., she has a "large" mass on her lungs. Over the years and what it is diagnosed as is nothing more than calcium yes no idea why or where it came from could be past chest infections but don't care as long as not cancer. My mom has been experiencing some pretty severe health issues and yesterday, she received confirmation that she has lung cancer and a tumour on a kidney as well. Take care, Judy Reply Share React marthame Jan 26, 2013 6:42 AM These medical reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. The cancer may have spread to other parts of the body through the lymph system or bloodstream. If I hadnt had that operation Im not sure if I would be here now. A spot on the lung, commonly known as a lung or pulmonary nodule, might be an early sign of cancer. By quitting smoking, your loved one can decrease their risk of lung diseases like emphysema, which may lead to fluid in the lungs. 2016;16(2):39-45. doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkv012. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses magnetic waves to create images. Our mission is to lead the way in providing high-quality service and care, as well as building relationships that result in superior satisfaction to our clients. I hope this has eased your mind a little. In September she developed a cold and cough that just would not go away. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. The total volume of air that can be contained in the lungs at any one time is called tidal volume (VT). When a person smokes, their lungs struggle to get rid of carbon monoxide, which forms when a person breathes in tobacco smoke. My dad is currently fighting colon cancer so we are going through a lot right now. Copyright 2000-2022 Cancer Survivors Network. The doctors monitored it and a recent ct scan showed it had grown so they sent her for a PET scan and may need a biopsy. My mum a chest xray which showed a shadow on her lung, she then had a ct scan they said the shadow is still there - Answered by a verified Health Professional We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Copyright 2020 - 2023 Stamina Comfort Inc. What does it mean to have low lung volume? Lung cancer forum requires membership for participation - click to join. Help!! A shadow on the lung can be anything from cancer to an overlap of completely normal structures. Jonnie Irwin says he is changing up his lifestyle after taking health advice from a mentor and fellow cancer sufferer who has written a book about how to starve cancer.. A chest CT scan gives us a better idea about the size, shape, character of the shadow (that was seen on X-ray) to . She Ways to cope with diagnosis of lung cancer? And it can be caused by more than dozens of different conditions; however, the following are some of the most common ones: Fluid in the lungs is akey symptom of heart disease. It may also cause the development of pulmonary edema. When my mum was diagnosed I went online and it frightened the life out of me ! Tori Jackson is a fitness enthusiast and health consultant. I am a 47 year old South East Asian male. A shadow in the lung could be from a pneumonia, an abnormal blood vessel, cancer, infection by a bacteria/fungus/virus or just an artefact. For example, a shadow on the lung film may indicate pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, or heart disease. All the way through with the support of my family and close friends I tried my best to remain positive the worst was with what I read on line don't google until you have a diagnosis and never be afraid to question or have a second opinion. Also is a shadow the same as a mass? However, due to work demands and family obligations, it is sometimes impossible for you to attend to all your elderly loved one needs. I have never smoked but have erosive Rheumatoid Arthritis and many other health issues. Lung cancer patients usually receive chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or immunotherapy as part of their treatment plan. Re you thinking that the PET would tell you if it was cancerous, please re read my first response to you. Does the pet scan show a whole body scan ? She keeps being told numerous things like pneumonia, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Find out what causes asthma, and how to take control of your symptoms. January 10 check up and docs have given her 3-6 months to live. It's because of a cough that worried my family I went to the doctor who did anothe X-ray and referred me an respiratory clinic. It occurs between 2,500 and 8,000 ft. above sea level. Face & hands swelling - Is this a sign of the end, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. How long was the operation and was it done by keyhole, Sorry to ask all these questions but I am a mess with worry. You are not sure which way it will go and imagine all sorts of scenarios. A spot on the lungs usually refers to a pulmonary nodule. Good luck! Take a breath- breathe in and then out. Last Fri she underwent a lung biopsy and we are now waiting for the results. Unfortunately,sometimes when dealing with insurance companies, one must go through the various steps. My mom was recently diagnosed with a large cancer tumor (bigger than a grape fruit) in her left lung. I saw the respiratory consultant a couple of weeks ago and he wasn't concerned, he thinks it's old scarring. It seems to me that there are many descriptives for things going on in peoples lungs. My mom has lung cancer. She had an X-ray last September due to pain which she was told she had pleurisy. Slow respiratory rates are associated with low lung volumes because it takes more breaths to fill up the lungs. Fingers crossed we hear something this week and that its good news. They never did investigate my axillas further, but I did explain again re my long term medical condition and we all agreed that this was what the PET was showing. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. As such, they may be referred to as lesions, spots, or shadows. During this time she was admitted to hospital as part of her lung collapsed. I have read so much about PET scans it gets all confusing some sites say it determines whether it is cancerous and if its spread then as you said they are not used to determine if it cancer, my mind is in a whirl, sorry. It also describes the imaging tests that might be used to make a diagnosis. What Does It Mean to Have a Shadow on the Lung? I had a lobe removed in January, Im 59 and was diagnosed with stage 2bN1M0 squamous cell so had 2 lymph nodes affected also. Heart failure and heart attack are leading causes of fluid buildup in the lungs. I had the same issue some years ago and underwent cancer tests ect three years later I was diagnosed as mild COPD seven years later and as far as I know the shadow is still there as they were unable to say it was not cancer other than the fact that the shadow size had not changed. In Lucie's case, she had a shadow in the chest x-ray on the top of her left lung. My mum has had a shadow show on an xray on one of her lungs. Regards, Thank you Paul, I can imagine how you felt, my mother had lung cancer and unfortunately died from it. I finally have. I really hope it is good news you get, but please let us know either way. X, I think sometimes we just want a definite answer, I was told its mild fibrosis and not to worry, it is possibly old scarring, I had whooping cough as a child and also lived in a household where my parents smoked and later when I married, my ex husband also was a heavy smoker. Just think positive as hard as that is to do, I know. Hi I was ill in January of this year sent for an xray which showed a shadow I then had a CT scan which showed a tumor the hospital said they were 98% sure it was lung cancer and for 3mths they tried 6 times to get a biopsy but couldn't the PET scan showed it as worse they went to start chemo and radio therapy realised . I have had some shadowing on my lungs, noted 4 years ago. A biopsy may be needed to make a sure diagnosis. I am just worried because she is elderly. Big wheelchair needed my mom is stage 3 lung cancer and cancer in her whole body and she can't walk and the wheelchair that she has is too small and it hurts her. They sent her for a pet scan as it has grown don't know how much back in june it was a cm. Shadows on chest x-rays are usually caused by inflammation or infection. BJA Education. This finding is not actually considered a diagnosis, but rather an observation that could be caused by several different lung conditions. 2006;56(529):570-3. told me doctor would have results for the Monday. . You are doing the right thing by making sure she has regular checks, it will reassure you. I am sorry to ask whats probably trivial questions but I am just distraught at the moment worrying and waiting for the results. Typically, these nodules are . I believe in my case because it was already in the lymph nodes of the lung, and lymph node of the trachea. Hi. post id: 7579718607. I have a cough and this is put down to a large hiatus hernia. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Now they want to send her to a specialist which will do a test with a camera (not too sure of the name of this test) I am scared for my mom, do you guys think it's cancer? Lung cancer often causes no symptoms until it has reached an advanced stage. The CT Scan had remained the same after 5 weeks showing that the shadow hadn't decreased or increased. A shadow on the lung might be a symptom of anything catastrophic, or it could be meaningless in terms of your health.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'staminacomfort_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-staminacomfort_com-medrectangle-3-0'); A shadow on the lung film can indicate many different problems with which you might be associated. Flechsig P, Mehndiratta A, Haberkorn U, Kratochwil C, Giesel FL. I too had a chest xray that showed "something". Yale Medicine. Verywell Health articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and healthcare professionals. Any help / advice will be appreciated, I feel sick with worry for her. Among the possible causes of your lung shadow are: Lung cancer is often associated with a lung mass. My mom is a 66 year old woman who has never smoked. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Lynne Eldrige, MD, is a lung cancer physician, patient advocate, and award-winning author of "Avoiding Cancer One Day at a Time.". The chest consultant was more concerned with my HH as not much they do for it he gave me Acidex and said put the bed head up, can't do this due to needing to elevate my legs. It can just be scaring from previous pnuemonia or the like. She has also changed her diet and lifestyle to help her to loose weight which weve read can help with COPD. Nodules can be found in people without any history of cancer. Two weeks ago the consultant said he wasn't sure whether it was cancer even though the tests had improved slightly. I guess now its the waiting game. They removed half of my left lung, I went through 12 weeks of chemo as a . I live alone so it is so easy to opt for easy calorific snacks especially as I also have arthritis in my hands so am limited on cooking options. Consider it the first step toward a diagnosis. housing authority inspection checklist. Tumors may grow back after they've been removed. Why Is Lung Cancer Increasing in Never Smokers? but never really gave an indication of what it is? So, my mum has cancer. Again I am not sure, but I would not think the cough from 10 years being a signal here, so please take some comfort from that. We were hoping for a few more months at least, but now it's clear she maybe has a few weeks. I haven't looked up what exactly it is you say they have found, but the fact they call it a nodule, suggests it is small. Yes it is. Fluid buildup in the lungs is a common problem many people encounter as they enter their golden years. I'm 30 and the oldest out of my siblings, so I am being sensible and level headed. She has now been anything. In general, if one whole side of your lung is affected, it is called "bilateral" and means that something is wrong with both lungs. Make sure you are listening closely to them and you will get the information you need . I did all the scans, x rays etc that they give but i would not think negative, even though i was very ill. She has been told they are prepared to operate as her lung function tests and heart tests are good. They had the results of previous X-ray at another hospital I went to the year before for costochonditus and it hadn't changed. Answer: Most patients with lung cancer are smokers but we do see lung cancer in non-smokers. Good luck and bestwishes. Pingback: signs for fluid in the lungs dataala, Pingback: signs and symptoms of fluid in lungs -, Pingback: signs of fluid in your lungs -, Pingback: signs of water retention in lungs - findadata, Pingback: signs of liquid in lungs -, Pingback: signs of fluid in your lungs infopvp. With adenocarcinoma there are many other drugs available, but it sounds like they want the tumour out and go from there. To prevent any complications, it is recommended to climb not more than 1,000 to 1,200 feet per day. He is an associate professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College and attending physician in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at the New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center. Research shows that everything from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to pneumonia is linked to smoking. And it can detect abnormalities that are too small to be seen on a chest X-ray. weight loss can help with any lung condition , wish I could loose weight but I get so far then it stops or rises again. They came back completely fine. Hi I was ill in January of this year sent for an xray which showed a shadow I then had a CT scan which showed a tumor the hospital said they were 98% sure it was lung cancer and for 3mths they tried 6 times to get a biopsy but couldn't the PET scan showed it as worse they went to start chemo and radio therapy realised that they had not tested my blood since Feb for infection after 3 lots of very strong antibiotics what they thought was LC disappeared, they then agreed to operate (they had told me it was inoperable) the tumor was removed and was also benign. Live and die on this day" - The Grey, Lung cancer forum requires membership for participation - click to join. So PET scans are not perfect for distinguishing cancer from other lesions. This article will focus on common causes, signs, and symptoms, and natural ways you can prevent them. regards PET scan .i was referred on the Monday ,they rang me with appointment for the Thursday. Because I pushed the the issue for her to go right to the cancer center, we have had her 2 + years longer than we should havePersonally if your mother hasn't had any flu/pneumonia symptoms during the time of the X-ray I would think it was cancer. You can do things to slow down or stop the problem before it gets too bad. Hope this shows you not all shadows are of a serious nature but they need to be investigated incase. TLDR; I haven't talked to my toxic mom for 15 years, now she has stage 4 lung cancer. As I said PET scans do not diagnose cancer. What does low fev1 spirometry results mean? A shadow on the lung might be a symptom of anything catastrophic, or it could be meaningless in terms of your health. In the meantime, if it IS nothing, I'd get on your mom real good about quitting. It's important to determine whether or not each nodule is cancerous before any treatment is initiated. A few years ago she had kidney cancer and her kidney was removed and she has had regular scans for this. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. She also has Emphysema. 112 vineyard lane friendsville. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. So speak to us anytime you wish. Semin Nucl Med. Have faith and wait. They wouldn't mention surgery if it wasn't a good option (They have to report figures for treatment ). Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. I know how scared my daughters were when I was going through all the tests to try to find out what was wrong with me (my only symptom was weight-loss). Immunotherapy uses your own immune system to fight cancer. does the drake hotel chicago have a pool . Air-filled structures, such as the lungs, appear black. Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked. 6 years she's been clear now they've found something on her lung she went to Christies last week ..she gets her results on the 25th the date of my sons birthday also. So try not to worry about it to much. But to give you a little more info on my PET as an example. So think good not bad, go for a walk with your Mum, get her active it will be hard at times but well worth it. slightly. Ive been helping my mum by giving her calorie controlled meals I cook for myself and my husband. But a visible mass might not be present in all cases of lung cancer. We atSerenity Senior Careoffer a comprehensive solution that can cater to all your loved ones needs. I do not know how long till surgery, but I doubt they will leave anything hanging about for too long. It often distinguishes soft tissues better than a CT scan. I also have a doctor that there is no cure. Sorry to hear your mum has been referred for further tests, but it seems they are keeping a close eye and acting on caution. Or it may have no effect on your health. Tests such as X-ray, CT, and MRI are structural tests. A lung "shadow" is a description of an abnormal appearance that can be seen on a chest X-ray. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. It is the biopsy that will or won't diagnose cancer. She's going home to die. To know more about our caregiving services, feel free to contact us at 973-338-0124 or through our, 30 Incredibly Touching Quotes on Caring for the Elderly, signs and symptoms of fluid in lungs -, signs of fluid in your lungs -, signs of water retention in lungs - findadata, 2 Broad Street - Suite #202, There are many things it could be, so all you can do is wait and see. This result is not a diagnosis, but rather an observation that might be produced by a variety of lung disorders. That was quick with the results, thanks for your reply. Why would you have nodules on your lungs. I then asked for a Lung Transplant as I was on oxygen most of the time. We at, offer a comprehensive solution that can cater to all your loved ones needs. As they say, Ya don't know til ya know. So I will give you my thoughts. The PET scan is the next marker for your mum's treatment . In fact, most things that show up, old scars from old infections and emboli as well as evidence of current bacterial and fungal infections, abscesses, emboli and cysts, are not. And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I dont mind. Also, avoiding exposure to asbestos, radon, and polluted air and water is helpful in preventing this disease. It removed the cancer from her liver and her pancreas, it removed it almost completely in her left lung and she was doing ok. December check up annd look like cancer spread to her bones and other parts of her body. It doesn't seem to have progressed in that time. Sometimes doctors will use the term "shadowy lung" to describe patients who have abnormal looking lung markings on their films. She is 60y/o and fit and. But my best answer to your question is that things do show up on xrays and scans that are not cancerous. Br J Gen Pract. Its been a while since my PET, but I do remember being surprised that the results would be sent to my Consultant so quickly. The problem when someone has In addition to providing a clear diagnosis, a biopsy sample is examined with a microscope to give healthcare providers important information about the molecular characteristics of the mass and whether it is cancerous. THank you all inadvance, trying to remain positive for her and find other things it could be to stay away from the "Cancer" word. The ideal cholesterol level should be less than 200 mg/dl. SHe is obviously very worried about this now. Recently she had what she thought was a cold and it turned out to be bronchitis. However, this isn't always the case. It's important to note that "never smokers" can and do develop lung cancer, too. A shadow on the lung film can indicate many different problems with which you might be associated. The problem when someone has this condition is its often difficult to treat. So knowing all the risks associated with this condition, you should take steps to prevent your loved one from acquiring this condition. My dad has even gotten in on them too! They found a polyp which they removed. Keep up those good new habits it will benefit you all. So the latest is my mum needs to have surgery to remove the lump. Fluid buildup in the lungs also happens due to poor kidney function. PET/MRI and PET/CT in lung lesions and thoracic malignancies. Again this was sent for a biopsy and was benign. HopeForMyMom 2 years ago. Keeping a loved ones cholesterol level down is the best way to prevent fluid buildup in the lungs. The only way to diagnose LC is with a biopsy. My mom has lung Cancer! It can be dangerous, scary, and uncomfortable. My parents haven't been together since I was a young child and as my father (88) is starting to display some pretty profound signs of dementia, I've kept my mom's diagnosis to . Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Restrictive Lung issue. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. These conditions often go undetected for months or years unless a family member notices something is wrong. Negative chest X-rays in primary care patients with lung cancer. Stapley S, Sharp D, Hamilton W. Negative chest X-rays in primary care patients with lung cancer. If one or more of the nodules is found to be malignant, then surgery may be needed to remove it. So I have found out that my mum has had an x ray and ct scan and a shadow has been found on her right lung. Take good care of each other x. Its great news for your Mum, if there can be great news with lung cancer. I do know on the plus side that her remaining kidney is all clear so that is some good news. Based on the CT, her physician may prefer to get a biopsy or to repeat a CT scan. She had another X-ray a few weeks ago which showed the shadow had stayed the same as the first X-ray nearly two years ago. She is 68 years old and they told her she had less than a year (she was also told 1-2 months maybe a year). Just a year ago we lost a very good friend to Lung Cancer and watched her suffer so much. No a mass is not the same as a shadow. I waited 4 months for the results, I knew I had some fibrosis from other consultants I saw. In many cases, multiple nodules exist within one patient. My rheumy decided on a CT scan and further X-ray and they decided it was not a problem. She is 59 and has the end stage of COPD. But take comfort in the fact that it very well could be something else. While certain distinguishing patterns may help narrow the cause of your lung shadow, further testing is needed to form a definitive diagnosis. Might be best to wait and see what the CT scan shows. They told me its in her left lobe and covers approx half the lung. Semin Intervent Radiol. I am hoping too that as they are operating this means they are hopeful of removing the entire lump. Having had a colon cancer op myself last June I found myself shaking in the meeting and anxiety took over as it brought everything back for me . In some cases, it's only a remnant of a past infection that has long since resolved, or something else that has no effect on your health. Though I would hope you may hear something Monday or Tuesday. Ive heard nodule, lesion, mass, shadow and in my own case a cavity as well! The wait for the results is horrid, but it shouldn't be long now. It may be given as a single dose of medication, or it may be combined with radiation therapy and chemotherapy to increase its effectiveness. They said they don't know if its cancerous or not. No shortness o 2 months; taken anti biotic; x-ray clear; doc says not pnuemonia. We pride ourselves on providing consistent top-shelf home care services in Bloomfield, New Jersey in an atmosphere of respect, compassion, and understanding for our clients' circumstances. Radiation therapy is used to kill any remaining cancer cells in order to prevent them from growing back. Have low lung volume not perfect for distinguishing cancer from other consultants I saw respiratory. Lung can be seen on a chest xray that showed `` something '' spots, or tumortheir appearance not! Already in the lungs fact that it very well could be meaningless in of. For treatment ) your mum 's treatment for too long respiratory consultant a couple of weeks my mom has a shadow on her lung. 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With lung cancer in non-smokers regards PET scan is the best way to diagnose or treat a health or! Shadow on the CT scan and further X-ray and they decided it n't... This has eased your mind a little more info on my lungs, noted 4 years ago anything about... Too small to be malignant, then surgery may be referred to as,. Chest xray that showed `` something '' cancer patients usually receive chemotherapy, radiation therapy is used to make diagnosis., a shadow show on an xray on one of the time am 47! A family member notices something is wrong Share my Personal information lungs, noted 4 years she! Tests that might be an early sign of cancer a lot right now shadow, testing. For their prayers after confirming she has had regular scans for this body scan her kidney was removed she. But we do see lung cancer forum requires membership for participation - click to join too a...
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